Centers for Disease Control and Prevention_Investigations and Technical Assistance

To assist State and local health authorities and other health related organizations in controlling communicable diseases, chronic diseases and disorders, and other preventable health conditions.

Investigations and evaluation of all methods of controlling or preventing disease and disability are

carried out by providing epidemic aid, surveillance, technical assistance, consultation, and program support; and by providing leadership and coordination of joint national, State, and local efforts.

STEPS- To enable communities to reduce the burden of chronic disease, including: preventing diabetes among populations with pre-diabetes; increasing the likelihood that persons with undiagnosed diabetes are diagnosed; reducing complications of diabetes; preventing overweight and obesity; reducing overweight and obesity; and reducing the complications of asthma.

STEPS will achieve these outcomes by improving nutrition; increasing physical activity; preventing tobacco use and exposure, targeting adults who are diabetic or who live with persons with asthma; increasing tobacco cessation, targeting adults who are diabetic or who live with persons with asthma; increasing use of appropriate health care services; improving the quality of care; and increasing effective self-management of chronic diseases and associated risk factors.
Examples of Funded Projects

(1) Cooperative agreements to States for the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance system, (2) Public Health Conference Support Grants, (3) Cooperative Agreements to States for Core Capacity Building for Tobacco Prevention and Control Programs, (4) Cooperative agreements to States for the National Program of Cancer Registries, (5) Cooperative agreements for Community Coalition Partnerships for the Prevention of Teen Pregnancy, (6) Cooperative Agreements to States for the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, (7) Cooperative Agreement for epilepsy program activities, (8)Cooperative Agreement for State Public Health Approaches to Arthritis and (9) Cooperative Agreement for Oral Disease Prevention.

Nevada will establish a State Office of Oral Health to establish oral health policies, work with the dental community, recruit dental health professionals, identify and develop additional resources, and staff a statewide advisory committee.

The State also plans to develop a State oral health plan.

Nevada also received funding to implement a school-based dental sealant program in 17 school districts.

(9) Cooperative Agreements to managed care organizations (TRIAD)-- a multicenter cohort study of diabetes in managed care settings.

(10) Cooperative agreement program is to fund organizations that will provide technical assistance to states and local governments and other entities including nontraditional partners (partners that do not usually have public health as their primary mission and goal, but will have areas of common or overlapping interest that includes public health, such as, but not limited to, education organizations, healthcare organizations, faith-based/community organizations and other federal or tribal agencies) to strengthen the nation's public health capacity by improving the quality and performance of public health practice, public health systems, public health data and data systems, and the public health workforce.

Agency - Department of Health and Human Services

The Department of Health and Human Services is the Federal government's principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially to those who are least able to help themselves.

Website Address

Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories


Program Accomplishments

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the Federal agency responsible for disease and injury prevention. The agency also focuses on prevention of disability and secondary conditions. As the Nation's prevention agency CDC's vision for the 21st century is "Healthy People in a Healthy World" reflecting the agency's concern that people's health is important both nationally and internationally and that the environment is critical to health in the future. Approximately 772 projects were funded in fiscal year 2001. Examples of the funded projects include: behavioral risk factor surveillance system (BRFS), national program of cancer registries, population based surveillance of fetal alcohol syndrome, grants for radiation studies and research, public health conference support grant program, fatality assessment and control evaluation, surveillance of elevated blood levels in adults, and oral health and epilepsy program activities. The same is anticipated for fiscal years 2002 and 2003. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the federal agency that has responsibility for prevention and monitoring of oral disease. This program announcement addresses the Healthy People 2010 priority areas of Oral Health (Chapter 21), Public Health Infrastructure (Chapter 23), and Educational and Community-Based Programs (Chapter 7). The purpose of this program is to establish, strengthen and expand the capacity of States, territories, and tribes to plan, implement and evaluate oral disease prevention and health promotion programs. These programs may address dental caries (tooth decay), periodontal disease, oral and pharyngeal cancers, and other oral conditions considered to be public health problems. In FY 2001, five states (Arkansas, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, and New York), and one territory (Palau) received support under this program announcement.

Uses and Use Restrictions

To strengthen State and local disease prevention and control programs, such as tuberculosis, childhood immunization, and sexually-transmitted diseases.

To support national and local programs to combat disability related to epilepsy through education, partnership development, and enhanced communication.

Services and program support: Epidemic aid; technical assistance (field studies and investigations of ongoing disease problems; occupational safety and health); consultation; dissemination of technical information; and provision of specialized services and assistance, including responses to public health emergencies.

Training: Training State and local health professionals in broad areas of epidemiology, disability, and research programs such as hospital infections, hepatitis, vector-borne diseases, food-borne diseases, epilepsy, and tuberculosis, at the State or other health related organization's request.) To support capacity building, program planning, development, implementation, evaluation, and surveillance for current and emerging chronic disease conditions related to tobacco use.

To achieve four Program Goals through community interventions and mobilization; counter-marketing; policy development and implementation, and surveillance and evaluation.

Goals include preventing initiation to tobacco use among young people; eliminate exposure to second hand smoke; promote cessation among adults and young people who use tobacco; and identify and eliminate tobacco-related disparities among specific population groups.

Lead regional efforts to prevent and reduce the use of tobacco and exposure to secondhand smoke.

Conduct evaluations and implementation of culturally relevant and community competent tobacco control and prevention strategies and continue regional capacity building efforts.

To address goal four of the National Tobacco Control Program (Identify and Eliminate Tobacco-Related Disparities).

To increase the o eliminate health disparities among segments of the population, including differences that occur by gender, race or ethnicity, education, income, disability, geographic location, or sexual orientation.

Establish a National Network consortium among six priority populations to coordinate and evaluate tobacco control and prevention initiatives through a broad national strategy to prevent and reduce tobacco use and exposure to second hand smoke and to eliminate tobacco-related disparities among priority populations.

To provide funding to establish and/or enhance state-based telephone quitlines to provide tobacco cessation telephone counseling to the public at large.

To fund projects that address the promotion of cessation among adults and young people who use tobacco (quitlines.) Address at the National level the promotion of cessation among adults and young people who use tobacco (quitlines).

To build state arthritis programs that exponentially expand access and use of evidence-based interventions by embedding intervention programs into existing systems, conducting surveillance and data analysis to inform decision making, and developing state-level intervention, policy, and communication focused partnerships that further program goals.

To strengthen state oral health programs and public health core capacity and to reduce inequalities in the oral health of targeted populations.

To improve state public health programs, including support for program leadership and staff, to monitor oral health risk factors, and for developing and evaluating prevention programs.

To support evidenced- based interventions to prevent oral disease, including community water fluoridation and school-based dental sealant programs.

To identify and disseminate information on best practices for state and community oral health programs.

To assess state programs and provide recommendations to address gaps and weaknesses.

To collaborate in development of the National Oral Health Surveillance Systemandtocosponsorthe annual National Oral Health Conference.

To develop initiatives related to oral disease prevention and chronic disease and health promotion capacity.

To improve and strengthen state oral health infrastructure by providing technical assistance to state health agencies and coalitions, developing and i impl ementing a plan to advancetheSurgeonGeneral's National Call to Action to Promote Oral Health.

To coordinate the dissemination of comprehensive oral disease prevention information and health promotion programmatic expertise among state and local agencies and public and private sector organizations in the United States.

To develop and promote policies to address oral disease prevention for high-risk adults.

To identify modifiable barriers to optional care across diverse managed care settings.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicant Eligibility

States, political subdivisions of States, local health authorities, Federally recognized or state recogonized American Indian/Alaska Native tribal governments and organizations with specialized health interests may apply.

Colleges, universities, private nonprofit and public nonprofit domestic organizations, research institutions, faith-based organizations, and managed care organizations for some specific programs such as Diabetes.

Beneficiary Eligibility

States, political subdivisions of States, local health authorities, and individuals or organizations with specialized health interests will benefit Colleges, universities, private non-profit and public nonprofit domestic organizations, research institutions, faith-based organizations, and managed care organizations for some specific programs such as Diabetes.


Costs will be determined in accordance with OMB Circular No. A-87 for State and local governments. For other grantees, costs will be determined by HHS regulations 45 CFR 74, Subpart Q.

Aplication and Award Process

Preapplication Coordination

This program is eligible for coverage under E.O.

12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs." An applicant should consult the office or official designated as the single point of contact in the State for more information on the process the State requires to be followed in applying for assistance, if the State has selected the program for review.

When indicated in individual program announcements, applications are subject to review in accordance with the National Health Planning and Resources Development Act, Public Law 93-641, as amended.

For the technical assistance component of this program, when indicated in individual program announcements, applications are eligible for coverage under E.O.


This program is eligible for coverage under the Public Health System Reporting Requirements.

Under these requirements, all community-based nongovernmental applicants must report to the appropriate State and/or local health agency as determined by the applicant.

Application Procedures

Forms and instructions are available in an interactive format on the CDC web site, at the following Internet address: To apply for research funding opportunities, use application form PHS 398 (OMB number 0925-0001 rev. 5/2001. Submit the signed original and five copies of your application by mail or express delivery service to: Technical Information Management, CDC Procurement and Grants Office, 2920 Brandywine Road, Atlanta, GA 30341. State and local governments may use Form 5161. An original and two copies must be submitted. This program is subject to the provisions of 45 CFR Parts 74 or 92, as appropriate.

Award Procedures

After review and approval, a notice of award is prepared and processed, along with appropriate notification to the public, initial award provides funds for first budget period (usually 12 months) and Notice of Award indicates support recommended for the remainder of project period, allocation of Federal funds by budget categories, and special conditions, if any. However, applicants are encouraged to call CDC for programmatic technical assistance prior to the development and submission of their assistance application.


Contact the Headquarters Office listed below for application deadlines.


Public Health Service Act, as amended; Sections 301, 307, 310, 311, 317(k)(2), 322(e), 325, 327, 328, 352, 361-369 and 1703 of the PHS Act, (42 U.S.C. Sections 243, 247b(k)(2)and 300u-2), as amended; Federal Mine Safety and Health Amendments Act of 1977, as amended; Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970; Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 1988, Public Law 100-202.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time

About 120 days from receipt of application.




If additional support is desired to continue a research project beyond the approved project period, an application for competing continuation must be submitted for review in the same manner as a new application. Projects are renewable for periods of 1 to 3 years.

Assistance Considerations

Formula and Matching Requirements

There are no statutory formula or matching requirements for most programs. There is a 1 to 4 match requirement for the tobacco control program, this excludes quitline. Steps to a Healthier US: A Community-Focused Initiative to Reduce the Burden of Asthma, Diabetes, and Obesity requires the following: Matching funds are required from non-Federal sources in an amount not less than 25 percent of Federal funds awarded to Large City and Urban Community Grantees. State grantees funded under the State-Coordinated Small City and Rural Community Program are required to provide a match not less than 50 percent of the funds retained by the states to support the funded communities through technical assistance and other means. In no case shall the amount to be matched be less than 25 percent of the award to the state. In an effort to move grantees toward a self- sustaining program, the HHS Secretary may require an increase in the match requirements in years 2 through 5 of the program. For the purpose of the initial application's 5 year plan and budget, applicants should calculate budgets based on the first year match requirements listed above.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance

Assistance is available for a 12-month budget period within project periods ranging from 1 to 3 years. After awards are issued, funds are released in accordance with the payment procedure established by the grantee institution with DHHS, which may be an Electronic Transfer System or a Monthly Cost Request System.

Post Assistance Requirements


Financial status and progress reports are required annually.

Upon completion of the project, final financial status and performance reports are required.


In accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular No. A-133 (Revised, June 24, 1997), "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Nonprofit Organizations," nonfederal entities that expend financial assistance of $300,000 or more in Federal awards will have a single or a program-specific audit conducted for that year. Nonfederal entities that expend less than $300,000 a year in Federal awards are exempt from Federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in Circular No. A-133. In addition, grants and cooperative agreements are subject to inspection and audits by DHHS and other Federal government officials.


Financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to the project must be kept readily available for review by personnel authorized to examine PHS grant accounts. Records must be maintained for a minimum of 3 years after the end of a budget period. If questions still remain, such as those raised as a result of an audit, records must be retained until completion or resolution of any audit in process or pending resolution. Property records must be retained in accordance with PHS Grants Policy Statement requirements.

Financial Information

Account Identification



(Total Grants and Cooperative Agreements). Adult and Community Health: Alzheimer's: FY 07 est $1,100,000; FY 08 est $1,100,000; and FY 09 $ 750,000 available. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS): FY 07$4,200,000; FY 08 $4,200,000; and FY 09 est not available. Steps to a Healthier USA: FY 07 $36,166,511; FY 08 $19,679,010; and FY 09 est $11,350,000. Tobacco Core: FY 07 est $54,173,858; and FY 08 est $39,031,723(9-month funding; and FY 09 est $64,000 (Core and Quitline). Quitlines: FY 07 est $12,726,240; and FY 08 est $9,124,267 (9-months of funding; and FY 09 - (Quitline funds will be combined with the core). National Networks: FY 07 est $2,500,000; and FY 08 $2,500,000; FY 09 $2,500,000. Tribal Support Centers: FY 07 est $1,615,313; FY 08 $1,615,313 and FY09 7,615,313. Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD): FY 07 $4,265,636; and FY 08 $ 4,265,636; and FY 09 est not available. National Organizations to Support Epilepsy: FY 07 $3,503,797; FY 08 est $3,672,115, and FY 09 est $3,672,115. National Organizations to Support Arthritis: FY 07 $756,517; FY 08 est $619,249, and FY 09 est $750,000. Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Component 5-Arthritis: FY 07 $5,800,000. State Public Health Approaches to Arthritis Component 1-Arthritis: FY 08 est $5,918,338 and FY 09 est $5,918,338. State Public Health Approaches to Arthritis Component 2-Lupus FY 08 est $2,200,000 and FY 09 est $2,200,000 Office of Minority FY 07 est not available; FY 08 est not available; and FY 09 est $4,329,969. National Center for Environmental Health: FY 07 est not available; FY 08 $41,929,450; and FY 09 est $54,215,848.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance

Limited resources are dependent on usual health effects and needs. Diabetes-- Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD): $600,000 to $840,000.

Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature

Regulations governing this program are published in the application kit and identified on the notices of award. PHS Grants Policy Statement No. 94-50,000 (Revised) April l, 1994.

Information Contacts

Regional or Local Office


Headquarters Office

Program Contact: Elijah West, Extramural Program Team Leader, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Telephone: (770) 488-5549; Grants Management Contact: Nealean Austin, Grants Management Branch, Procurement and Grants Office, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of Health and Human Services, 2920 Brandywine Road, Room 3000, Atlanta, GA 30341. Telephone: (770) 488-2700.

Criteria for Selecting Proposals


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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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