The ARI is a joint Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) and National Science Foundation (NSF) program seeking novel cross-cutting research that will enable the nation's ability to prevent and respond to nuclear or radiological threats.
This continuing program intends to expand its
scope this year to include research in response and recovery from nuclear or radiological attack, with emphasis on multidisciplinary approaches.
This year's solicitation topics will encompass two broad areas.
First are investigations in new technologies, concepts or approaches to enhance the Global Nuclear Detection Architecture (GNDA) that in turn will lead to improved capabilities for the detection and interdiction of nuclear or radiological threat materials or devices.
Second are investigations to aid in the effective response and recovery from nuclear or radiological events at the local, state and Federal level, to include investigations in nuclear forensics.
Primary objectives of ARI include advancing fundamental knowledge in the above areas and developing intellectual capacity in fields relevant to long-term advances in these areas.
Proposals outside of the scope described in this solicitation will be returned without review.
Research proposals on detection of biological, chemical, and conventional weapons are specifically excluded from the scope of this solicitation.