NIST invites proposals from eligible organizations to provide in-depth collaborative support in developing and advancing stakeholder relationships that are critical to the success of the MEP program, based on the recipient’s expertise and knowledge of State manufacturing and technology agendas.
NIST MEP is a federal-state-industry partnership program.
The MEP system of Centers and field offices throughout the U. S. provides a mechanism to integrate federal and state public policy goals, respond to market forces and address the needs of manufacturing sectors and of individual manufacturers.
To make the most of this partnership, NIST MEP strives to balance the priorities of U. S. national policy with those of state partners to create a robust and effective program providing U. S. manufacturers with the tools they need to grow and remain globally competitive.
Stakeholders include not only state-based partners but also sub-state partners that are based at the county, community, and city levels, as well as regional partners that extend beyond state boundary lines.