Ag Tile Drain Water Quality Project

This is a Notice of Intent to award a Cooperative Agreement to University of Nebraska-Lincoln Water Sciences Lab, for the purpose of evaluating effects of surface and subsurface Ag Tile Drainage on Service trust resources (water, sediment, biota) within WPAs.

Provide unique analytical chemistry

expertise for the extraction and analysis of polar organic chemical integrated samplers (POCIS).

This Single Source Award is being made in accordance with Department of the Interior Policy 505 DM 2. 14 B #4 Unique Qualifications, which allows for award without competition to an applicant.

Dr. Dan Snow at the University of Nebraska¿s Water Sciences Laboratory (WSL) is uniquely qualified to perform the activity based upon a variety of demonstrable factors including their location (i.e., WSL is the closest lab to the project area that has extracted POCIS samples), voluntary support capacity (i.e., WSL is the only lab that has agreed, in the study proposal, to provide in-kind support through cost-sharing ability, and the WSL has unique technical expertise (i.e., is the only laboratory I¿m aware of that offers both POCIS extraction and then analysis of the extract for pesticides commonly applied to row crop agriculture in the Great Plain States of Nebraska and South Dakota).

Currently, the Service¿s National Analytical Control Facility does not analyze for many of the herbicides used in the project area including atrazine and glyphosate, nor do they extract POCIS samples for analysis.

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National Wildlife Refuge Fund

Department of the Interior

Agency: Department of the Interior

Office: Fish and Wildlife Service

Estimated Funding: $15,000

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