This Request for Applications (RFA) for Haiti, specifically, provides information on funding opportunities for multi-year development food assistance programs.
Food security is the cornerstone of the Title II program because
enhancing food security in the developing world through the
use of agricultural commodities
is a policy of the United States as stated in the Food for Peace Act, which authorizes Title II food aid.
Thus, FFPs goal for multi-year development programming is to reduce risks and vulnerabilities to food insecurity and increase food availability, access, and utilization/consumption.
Title II programs must target the vulnerability of food insecure individuals, households, and communities directly.
Note that assistance made available pursuant to this RFA may be used to meet emergency/exceptional circumstances as provided in accordance with the terms of those awards and 22 C.F.
21 1. 5(o).
As stated in Section VIII Other Information, 1. Environmentally Sound Design and Management and 22 C.F.R.
216 Compliance of the RFA, all applications must include an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) that will be reviewed and given final clearance by the Bureau Environmental Officer (BEO) for DCHA.
Clearance of the IEE will not be required prior to the submission of the application (and annexes).
The BEO has indicated that USAID Mission Clearances for IEEs will only be required for those applications that have been reviewed favorably by USAID and recommended to receive a new Title II award.
Given the potential size and complexity of proposed development food assistance programs, applicants need not strictly adhere to the suggested 10-20 page limit for the IEE.
This IEE page limit recommendation may understandably be exceeded for complex program proposals.
Updated Announcement 1/18/13:
Ms. Dina Esposito, Director and Agreement Officer for Title II awards, Office of Food for Peace (FFP), Ms. Carell Laurent, Chief, Food Assisted Development and Humanitarian Support (FDHS), USAID/Haiti, Mr. Timothy Mahoney, Bureau of Food Security, USAID/Washington, other key USAID staff, and Government of Haiti counterparts will hold a pre-award meeting for potential applicants for the Haiti request for applications (RFA) on Wednesday, January 30, 10:00 a.m., at the Hotel Montana in Petionville, Haiti.
Official documentation from the meeting will be produced and posted on the FFP website as well for those who are unable to send a representative.
The meeting will be conducted in English and notes will be produced in English; an unofficial French translation will also be produced and posted.
The meeting goal is to address questions regarding coordination with the Government of Haiti and USAID's Bureau of Food Security given the injection of community development funds rather than on the mechanics or content of the RFA or country specific information already shared, revised and posted in final form.
Please find notes and presentations from the Food Voucher Workshop held in Jeremie in September 2012 for your review and reference at 2. Additional information may be added to this site in the future.