Projects were funded: 1) Secularism, Islam and Nonviolence: Discussing Jihad and Pluralism in a Contemporary Muslim Society (Indonesia); 2) Peace building in Africa: Women as Partners for Peace (Uganda); and 3) Marine Resource Management in Tropical Environments (Nicaragua).
The Department of State strives to create a more secure, democratic and prosperous world for the benefit of the American people and the international community.
In FY05, approximately 820 grants were awarded in the traditional Fulbright Scholar Program.
Uses and Use Restrictions
Grants for professors (university lecturers) and research scholars are for three months to a full academic year.
Most are tenable in one country.
The lectureships permit the grantees to lecture, usually serving as visiting professors in institutions of higher learning.
The research grants offer opportunities for U. S. citizens to undertake postdoctoral research at overseas universities, colleges, and certain research centers and institutes.
Grants specify terms and conditions to meet the educational goals proposed by the grantee and approved by the J.
William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board in making the award.
Individual grants generally include round-trip transportation for the grantee, and in some cases for one or two dependents, a maintenance allowance, and an allowance for travel, books and services essential to the assignment.
Short-term grants also available.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicant Eligibility
To individuals with the following qualifications: (1) U.S.
citizenship at the time of application.
(2) Foreign language proficiency, in some cases, for lecturing in certain countries, and for doing field-based research.
(3) For lecturing: college or university teaching experience at the level for which application is made or equivalent professional standing in non-academic fields.
(4) For research: a doctoral or terminal degree or, in some fields, recognized professional standing as demonstrated by faculty rank, publications, compositions, exhibition record, concerts, etc.
Candidates for a doctorate and persons wishing to undertake other pre-doctoral professional training abroad should write to the Institute of International Education, 809 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017.
Beneficiary Eligibility
U.S. citizens who are educational professionals on the post graduate level, or able to lecture or conduct research in professional fields such as law, business, journalism, etc.
See Applicant Eligibility.
Aplication and Award Process
Preapplication Coordination
Not applicable.
This program is excluded from coverage under E.O.
Application Procedures
Persons who meet the eligibility requirements and who wish to receive a catalog announcing openings (includes application forms) should contact the Council for International Exchange of Scholars, 3007 Tilden Street, NW, Suite 5L, Washington, DC 20008. Telephone: (202) 686-4000. This material is also available at Applicants are encouraged to submit their proposals online. Information may also be obtained from U.S. college and university campus contacts.
Award Procedures
Applications are reviewed by multidisciplinary peer review committees convened by CIES to screen applicants and to recommend candidates. Binational Fulbright Commissions or the Public Affairs Sections of U.S. Embassies abroad, together with prospective host institutions, review CIES-recommended candidates. The presidentially-appointed J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board makes final selection of grantees.
Subject to change, but generally applications are to be submitted by August 1; May 1, November 1, and February 1 for a small number of specialized positions. Major deadlines can be waived under very special circumstances such as an inadequate number of sufficiently qualified candidates for specific awards. After deadlines, applicants should contact CIES to determine availability of awards.
Public Law 87-256, as amended, 22 U.S.C. 2451 et seq.
Range of Approval/Disapproval Time
Applicants are notified promptly if they are ineligible. Final notification of selection for an opening occurs in 6 to 9 months.
Not applicable.
Extensions considered where appropriate.
Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
Up to 1 academic year.
Post Assistance Requirements
Reports by all grantees are required at the end of their grant period.
Under the total audit concept, audits will be made on an organization-wide basis (rather than grant- by-grant) under GAO guidelines, Standards for Audit of Governmental Organizations, Programs, Activities and Functions, and for programs covered by A-102, Attachment P.
Financial Information
Account Identification
FY 07 $43,550,000; FY 08 est not available; and FY 09 est not reported.
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
$3,500 to $80,000. Average: $28,000 in FY05.
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Annual announcement: Fulbright Scholar Program: Grants for U.S. Faculty and Professionals issued by Council for International Exchange of Scholars, 3007 Tilden Street, NW, Suite 5L, Washington, DC 20008. Guidelines are also available at
Information Contacts
Regional or Local Office
Headquarters Office
Council For International Exchange of Scholars, 3007 Tilden Street, NW., Suite 5M, Washington, DC 20008.
Criteria for Selecting Proposals
1) Is proposal feasible and practical. 2) Is proposal responsive to Fulbright priorities of international collaboration and increased mutual understanding. 3) Applicant's professional qualifications and likelihood for effectiveness as a lecturer/researcher abroad. 4) Anticipated contribution of the results of the proposed project to the applicant's field, and plans for their dissemination in the U.S. and abroad upon return.
The granddaughter of President George H.W. Bush, Lauren Bush Lauren, she launched the FEED Projects back in 2007 to address world hunger. FEED has contributed over 75 million meals worldwide through consumer goods sales like the “1” bag that feeds one child in school for an entire year for every bag sold.