The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) appropriated $300 million to the Section 317 Immunization program (Section 317) which funds 64 immunization programs that include all 50 states, Washington DC, 5 urban areas, the U.S.

Territories, and selected Pacific Island nations.

supports states and communities in establishing and maintaining preventive health service programs to immunize individuals against vaccine-preventable diseases.

This investment will expand access to vaccines and vaccination services by augmenting current Section 317 activities.

Specifically by:
• Provision of financial support to state and local immunization programs
• Making recommended vaccines available in all states through the existing network of private and public immunization providers and supporting and expanding the network of providers as needed
• Expanding access to influenza, zoster, and childhood vaccines through school-associated immunization programs and through innovative vaccine delivery activities in the community
• Providing grants to immunization programs to conduct needs assessments and develop plans that will enable health departments to bill private insurance for immunization services provided to insurance plan members
• Increasing national public awareness and knowledge about the benefits and risks of vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases
• Enhancing assessments of vaccine coverage, vaccine impact, vaccine effectiveness and vaccine adverse events.
Related Programs

Examples of Funded Projects

Fiscal Year 2008: State Health Departments (such as California., Michigan, and Texas) and some large local health departments (such as New York and Chicago) have ongoing disease control programs utilizing existing non-competitive 317 grants.

Also included are cooperative agreements to States for the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance system.

Other activities supported non-competitively and competitively under the existing Section 317 program include projects to implement and evaluate school based vaccination programs, enhanced surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases, development and implementation of specific plans to raise immunization levels across the age spectrum, initiatives for improving reimbursement for vaccination services, programs to monitor the effectiveness, safety and impact of vaccines; and public information and education programs.

Fiscal Year 2009: No Current Data Available Fiscal Year 2010: No Current Data Available

Agency - Department of Health and Human Services

The Department of Health and Human Services is the Federal government's principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially to those who are least able to help themselves.

Office - See Regional Agency Offices.

Program Contact: Mr. Michael Detmer, Management Officer, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services, 1600 Clifton Road, NE., Mailstop E-05, Atlanta, GA 30333.

Telephone: (404) 639-8900.

Fax: (404) 639-8626.

E-mail: MMD4@cdc.gov.; Grants Management Contact: Sharron Orum, Procurement and Grants Office, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services, 2920 Brandywine Road, Room 3618, Atlanta, GA 30341.

Telephone: (770) 488-2716.

Program Accomplishments

Fiscal Year 2008: No Current Data Available Fiscal Year 2009: The Section 317 Program remains a significant source of federal funding for most jurisdictional vaccine program operations. During Fiscal Year 2008, CDC awarded 64 grants through the Section 317 Program, which supported vaccine distribution/administration, the integration of new vaccines into routine medical care, front-line public health professionals, immunization information systems, disease surveillance systems, education and outreach activities, and post-licensure vaccine safety surveillance and research activities.

Because of this program and its sister program, The Vaccines for Children Program , the nation"s childhood immunization coverage rates are at record high levels for most vaccines and for all the vaccination series measures. While the VFC program provides vaccine to uninsured children, underinsured children are not covered nor is there sufficient infrastructure to launch adult activities. Section 317 funds target this gap and for the past five years, our 90 percent coverage target has been exceeded for four of the seven routinely recommended childhood vaccine (Hib, MMR, hepatitis B, and polio) and has almost reached the 90 percent target for varicella (currently at 89 percent). Another program accomplishment is the increased proportion of adults who are vaccinated annually against influenza and ever vaccinated against pneumococcal disease among persons 65 years of age and older. Influenza vaccination coverage levels among the elderly have increased from 30 percent in 1989 to 64 percent. Pneumococcal vaccination levels have increased from 15 percent in 1989 to 57 percent in 2006.

The estimated 16,000 serious pneumococcal infections from resistant strains that have been prevented among older adults since childhood immunization with PCV was initiated in 2000 is another program accomplishment. New adolescent and adult vaccines can prevent individuals from suffering or dying from vaccine-preventable diseases, and Section 317 funds not only the vaccines but the crucial infrastructure needed to deliver them.

Lastly, various highly focused health services projects have been implemented using 317 funds. One of these projects was a joint collaboration with CMS that evaluated and then assisted in moving forward standing orders vaccination programs for influenza in long term care facility residents. Other projects supported included working traditional and nontraditional partners, including national minority organizations, universities, and health officials of various political subdivisions. Fiscal Year 2010: No Current Data Available

Uses and Use Restrictions

Project funds may be used for costs associated with planning, organizing, conducting and supporting immunization programs directed toward vaccine-preventable diseases, and for the implementation of other program elements as described in Section ":050:" above and through CDC allowable and unallowable expenses.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicant Eligibility

State (includes District of Columbia, public institutions of higher education and hospitals): Business/Commerce

Beneficiary Eligibility

State; Public nonprofit institution/organization; U.S. Territories; Private nonprofit institution/organization; Quasi-public nonprofit organization


Applicants should document the need for assistance, state the objectives of the project, outline the method of operation, describe the evaluation procedures, and provide a budget with justification of funds requested. Costs will be determined in accordance with OMB Circular No. A-87 for State and local governments. For nonprofit recipients, costs will be determined in accordance with HHS Regulations 45 CFR 74, Subpart Q. OMB Circular No. A-87 applies to this program.

Aplication and Award Process

Preapplication Coordination

Preapplication coordination is not applicable.

Environmental impact information is not required for this program.

This program is excluded from coverage under E.O.


Application Procedures

This program is excluded from coverage under OMB Circular No. A-102. This program is excluded from coverage under OMB Circular No. A-110. Applicants must download the SF424 (R&R) application forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide for this requirement through Grants.gov/Apply.
Only the forms package directly attached to a specific Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) can be used. Applicants will not be able to use any other SF424 (R&R) forms (e.g., sample forms, forms from another FOA) although some of the "Attachment" files may be useable for more than one FOA.

If an applicant does not have access to the Internet, or if they have difficulty accessing the forms online, contact the CDC Procurement and Grants Office Technical Information Management Section (PGOTIMS) staff. For this, or further assistance, contact PGO TIMS: Telephone (770) 488-2700, Email: PGOTIM@cdc.gov.

HHS/CDC Telecommunications for the hearing impaired: TTY 770-488-2783.

The standard application forms must be used for this program, as furnished by CDC and required by 45 CFR 92 for State and local governmental agencies, and by OMB Circular No. A-110 for nongovernmental applicants. This program is subject to the provisions of 45 CFR 92 for State and local governments and OMB Circular No. A-110 for nonprofit organizations.

Award Procedures

All applications that are complete and responsive to non-competitive supplemental grant announcements will be evaluated for scientific and technical merit and receive support. Support will be need based and may be formula driven. Applications that are complete and responsive to competitive supplemental grant and cooperative agreement announcements will undergo an objective review process, receive a written critique and be scored according to published review criteria. Successful applicants will receive a Notice of Award (NOA) from the CDC Procurement and Grants Office. The NOA shall be the only binding, authorizing document between the recipient and CDC. The NOA will be signed by an authorized Grants Management Officer.


Contact the headquarters or regional office, as appropriate, for application deadlines.


American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Health Service Act Section 301,42 U.S.C. 241, and Section 31 7,42 U.S.C. 247b, as amended; Health Services and Centers Amendments of 1978, Public Law 95-626; Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981,.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time

From 90 to 120 days.


Not Applicable.


Renewals will be based upon availability of funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Assistance Considerations

Formula and Matching Requirements

Statutory formulas are not applicable to this program.

This program has no matching requirements.

MOE requirements are not applicable to this program.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance

Project Period: until 12/31/2010. Budget Period: 24 months. See the following for information on how assistance is awarded/released: Through a grant and or cooperative agreement via Notice of Award.

Post Assistance Requirements


No program reports are required.

Cash reports are not applicable.

Recipients of Federal awards from funds authorized under Division A of the ARRA must comply with all requirements specified in Division A of the ARRA (Public Law 111-5), including reporting requirements outlined in Section 1512 of the Act.

For purposes of reporting, ARRA recipients must report on ARRA sub-recipient (sub-grantee and sub-contractor) activities as specified below.

Not later than 10 days after the end of each calendar quarter, starting with the quarter ending June 30, 2009 and reporting by July 10, 2009, the recipient must submit quarterly reports to HHS that will posted to Recovery.gov, containing the following information:


The total amount of ARRA funds under this award;

The amount of ARRA funds received under this award that were obligated and expended to projects or activities;

The amount of unobligated award balances;

A detailed list of all projects or activities for which ARRA funds under this award were obligated and expended, including
• The name of the project or activity;
• A description of the project or activity;
• An evaluation of the completion status of the project or activity;
• An estimate of the number of jobs created and the number of jobs retained by the project or activity; and
• For infrastructure investments made by State and local governments, the purpose, total cost, and rationale of the agency for funding the infrastructure investment with funds made available under this Act, and the name of the person to contact at the agency if there are concerns with the infrastructure investment.

Detailed information on any sub-awards (sub-contracts or sub-grants) made by the grant recipient to include the data elements required to comply with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-282).

For any sub-award equal to or larger than $25,000, the following information:
• The name of the entity receiving the sub-award;
• The amount of the sub-award;
• The transaction type;
• The North American Industry Classification System code or Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number;
• Program source;
• An award title descriptive of the purpose of each funding action;
• The location of the entity receiving the award;
• The primary location of performance under the award, including the city, State, congressional district, and country; and
• A unique identifier of the entity receiving the award and of the parent entity of the recipient, should the entity be owned by another entity.

All sub-awards less than $25,000 or to individuals may be reported in the aggregate, as prescribed by HHS.

Recipients must account for each ARRA award and sub-award (sub-grant and sub-contract) separately.

Recipients will draw down ARRA funds on an award-specific basis.

Pooling of ARRA award funds with other funds for drawdown or other purposes is not permitted.


Recipients must account for each ARRA award separately by referencing the assigned CFDA number for each award.

Additional reporting requirements will detailed in Funding Opportunity Announcements and included in award notices.

Final financial status and performance reports are required 90 days after the end of the project period.

Expenditure reports are not applicable.

Performance monitoring is not applicable.


In accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular No. A-133 (Revised, June 27, 2003), "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations," nonfederal entities that expend financial assistance of $500,000 or more in Federal awards will have a single or a program-specific audit conducted for that year. Nonfederal entities that expend less than $500,000 a year in Federal awards are exempt from Federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in Circular No. A-133. An organization that expends $500,000 or more in a year in Federal awards shall have a single or program-specific audit conducted for that year in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, Audit of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. The audit must be completed along with a data collection form, and the reporting package shall be submitted within the earlier of 30 days after receipt of the auditors report(s), or nine months after the end of the audit period. The audit report must be sent to:

Federal Audit Clearing House
Bureau of the Census
1201 East 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132

Should you have questions regarding the submission or processing of your Single Audit Package, contact the Federal Audit Clearinghouse at: (301) 763-1551, (800) 253-0696 or email: govs.fac@census.gov

The grantee is to ensure that the sub-recipients receiving CDC funds also meet these requirements (if total Federal grant or grant funds received exceed $500,000). The grantee must also ensure that appropriate corrective action is taken within six months after receipt of the sub-recipient audit report in instances of non-compliance with Federal law and regulations. The grantee is to consider whether sub-recipient audits necessitate adjustment of the grantees own accounting records. If a sub-recipient is not required to have a program-specific audit, the Grantee is still required to perform adequate monitoring of sub-recipient activities. The grantee is to require each sub-recipient to permit independent auditors to have access to the sub-recipients records and financial statements. The grantee should include this requirement in all sub-recipient contracts.


Financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to the grant program shall be retained for a minimum of 3 years, or until completion and resolution of any audit in process or pending resolution. In all cases records must be retained until resolution of any audit questions. Property records must be retained in accordance with 45 CFR 92.42 requirements.

Financial Information

Account Identification



(Salaries) FY 08 not reported.; FY 09 est $150,000,000; FY 10 est not reported.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance

From $30,000 to $7,500,000.

Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature

Regulations governing this program are published under 42 CFR 55 b. Guidelines are available. 45 CFR 92, DHHS Publication No. (OASH) 94-50,000, (Rev.) April 1, 1994, is available.

Information Contacts

Regional or Local Office

See Regional Agency Offices. Program Contact: Mr. Michael Detmer, Management Officer, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services, 1600 Clifton Road, NE., Mailstop E-05, Atlanta, GA 30333. Telephone: (404) 639-8900. Fax: (404) 639-8626. E-mail: MMD4@cdc.gov.; Grants Management Contact: Sharron Orum, Procurement and Grants Office, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services, 2920 Brandywine Road, Room 3618, Atlanta, GA 30341. Telephone: (770) 488-2716.

Headquarters Office

Joni Young National Center for Preparedness, Detection, and Control of Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services, 1600 Clifton Road, NE., Mailstop A07, Atlanta 30333 Email: JYoung@cdc.gov Phone: (404) 639-4025

Criteria for Selecting Proposals

Applications will be evaluated based on: (1) The extent of the problem; (2) the establishment of specific and measurable objectives to address the problem; and (3) the development of a sound operational plan which will ensure the implementation of each program element and appropriate use of ARRA funds. In determining awarded amounts, population characteristics including breakdown of population by age category, poverty status, percentage who are non-English speaking, residence (percentage living in rural verses urban/suburban areas) and immunization coverage levels may be considered. Other criteria will be listed in individual funding opportunity announcements.

Social Entrepreneurship

Rwanda as Social Entrepreneur Fund Beneficiary

The Republic of Rwanda has been picked as one of the six African countries as beneficiaries for a new fellowship fund program designed at supporting social entrepreneurs in tackling issues on food security.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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