Federal Programs from Bureau Of Justice Assistance
Public Safety Officers" Benefits Program Bureau Of Justice Assistance To provide death benefits to the eligible survivors of Federal, State or local public safety officers whose deaths are the direct and proximate result of a personal (traumatic) injury sustained in the...more
Federal Surplus Property Transfer Program Bureau Of Justice Assistance To facilitate the possible no cost conveyance, by the General Services Administration, to State and local governments, of surplus real and related personal property determined by the Attorney General ...more
Edward Byrne Memorial Formula Grant Program Bureau Of Justice Assistance To reduce and prevent illegal drug activity, crime, and violence and to improve the functioning of the criminal justice system....more
Motor Vehicle Theft Protection Act Program Bureau Of Justice Assistance The Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act of 1994 (MVTPA) authorizes the Attorney General to develop, in cooperation with the States, a national voluntary motor vehicle theft prevention program. The nati...more
State Criminal Alien Assistance Program Bureau Of Justice Assistance The State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) is a payment program designed to provide federal assistance to states and localities that incur costs for incarcerating undocumented criminal aliens...more
Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program Bureau Of Justice Assistance To protect the lives of law enforcement officers by helping State, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies provide officers with armored vests....more
Tribal Court Assistance Program Bureau Of Justice Assistance To assist tribal governments in the development, enhancement, and continuing operation of tribal judicial systems, including inter-tribal court systems....more
Community Prosecution and Project Safe Neighborhoods Bureau Of Justice Assistance Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) is a nationwide commitment and a comprehensive, strategic approach to reducing gun crime in America by networking existing local programs that target gun crime and pro...more
Regional Information Sharing Systems Bureau Of Justice Assistance To enhance the ability of the state and local criminal justice agencies to identify, target, and remove criminal conspiracies and activities that span jurisdictional boundaries. The first objective of...more
For 2014, the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship has recognized 37 individuals for their outstanding work in the field of social enterprise.