In 2024, SSA is looking for a new organization to help manage the ARDRAW program through a cooperative agreement. The new ARDRAW program will include one-year $15,000 stipends for supervised...more
This funding opportunity will award cooperative agreements allowing the Social Security Administration (SSA) to collaborate with States, foundations, and other non-federal groups and organizations...more
Section 1150 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320b-21), State Grants for Work Incentives Assistance to Disabled Beneficiaries, authorizes the Commissioner of Social Security to make payments in...more
SSA solicits competition from educational, policy, or research institutions to manage the grant program and distribute the stipends to graduate students for innovative research relevant to...more
This funding opportunity will award cooperative agreements allowing the Social Security Administration (SSA) to collaborate with States, foundations, and other non-federal groups and organizations...more
As authorized under section 1110 of the Social Security Act, SSA announces the solicitation of competitive applications for cooperative agreements to establish a Retirement and Disability Research...more
This funding opportunity is for the Interventional Cooperative Agreement Program (ICAP). Through the ICAP, SSA collaborates with States, private foundations, and other non-federal groups and...more
This funding opportunity will establish a new cooperative agreement program to allow SSA to collaborate with States, private foundations, and other non-federal groups and organizations who have the...more
The purpose of these projects is to disseminate accurate information to beneficiaries with disabilities (including transition-to-work aged youth) about work incentives programs and issues related to...more
Ryan Devlin, Todd Grinnell and Ravi Patel have traveled to Africa on a humanitarian trip a few years back, encountering children suffering from severe malnutrition get healthy through Plumpy’Nut®.