The United States Embassy in Brasília, Brazil, announces a notification of funding opportunity (NOFO) to support a ten-day exchange program in the U. S. for Brazilian awarded public school principals with up to US$180,400 in FY2017 for a project period not to exceed one year.
The preliminary
start date for this activity is March 18, 2018, and one award is anticipated as a result of this NOFO.
However, should both parties consider the results of this exchange to be positive – and also subject to availability of funds – we may agree to renew this NOFO for up to two additional years.
We are seeking for proposals for the development and implementation of a ten-day exchange program in the U. S. for 27 Brazilian awarded public school principals who will travel accompanied by an education leader assigned by the National Council of State Secretaries of Education (CONSED).
Participants in this exchange are the Brazilian public school principal winners (one from each of the 26 Brazilian states, and the Federal District) of the National Public School Management Award (Prêmio Gestão Escolar - PGE).
This exchange program in the U. S. should provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the different high school models present in the U. S. educational system, synergies and potential areas for collaboration and follow-on initiatives.
U. S. Embassy Brasília-Brazil reserves the right to fund any or none of the applications submitted and will determine the resulting level of funding for the award.
The authority for this NOFO is found in the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended.
Eligible organizations interested in submitting an application are encouraged to read this NOFO thoroughly to understand the type of project sought and the application submission requirements and evaluation process.