Space Electronics Open 5 Year Broad Agency Announcement, Modeling and Experiment with Carbon Nanotubes for Applications in High Performance Circuits

Space Electronics Open 5 Year Broad Agency Announcement BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER:

Modeling and Experiment with Carbon Nanotubes for applications in high performance circuits.

The technical point of contact for this CALL is Dr. Ashwani Sharma, AFRL/RVSE, Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone:
505-846-0165, Fax:
505-846-2290, Email:

Contracting points of contact for this CALL are:
Contract Specialist:
Andrea Stone, Det 8 AFRL/RVKE, Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone:
505-843-2883, Fax:
NONE, Email: Contracting Officer:
Shirley Lindom, Det 8 AFRL/RVKE, Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone 505-846-5935, Fax:
The Air Force Research Laboratory is soliciting proposals to outline a study program whose objective is to determine ultimate performance, analytically, of a variety of electronic circuits based on the ultimate performance of a carbon nanotube transistor under Topic 1, subparagraph (1) of Space Electronics Technology Broad Agency Announcement VS-06-05 posted on 22 September 200 6. See the following for detailed information:
Development of Carbon Nanotube Analytical Models for Ultra-low Power, Ultra-high Performance Analog, Digital and Mixed Signal Applications Carbon nanotubes are promising materials for nanoscale integration and future integrated circuits due to their excellent electrical properties and small size.

The research involves modeling of carbon nanotubes for use as interconnect wires in present complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology and nanometer field effect transistors for circuit design at nanoscale integration.

Analytical models will be developed for both carbon nanotube interconnections and carbon nanotube field effect transistors.

Verilog-AMS language will be explored for computer simulations in Cadence/Spectre for designing of ultra-low power digital, analog/mixed-signal integrated circuits including for radio frequency applications from carbon nanotube materials, and integration with CMOS.

Carbon nanotubes have exhibited significant changes in their electronic properties when subjected to molecular adsorbates.

The unique structure and sensitivity to molecular adsorbates have resulted in use of carbon nanotubes for bio- and chemical sensing applications.

The modeling of electronic behavior of carbon nanotubes and field effect transistors can then be used for detecting (bio- and chemical sensing) traces of bio-warfare agents and chemical agents.

The proposed research will be carried out in close interaction with the Electronics Foundations Group, AFRL/RVSE.

ANTICIPATED FUNDING (Topic C2, Advanced Electronic Materials, Devices, and Circuits, (2) Modeling Of Advanced Materials For Space Electronics):
Anticipated funding for this CALL (not per contract or award) is FY09:
$25,000, FY10:
$50,000, FY11:
$50,00 0. This funding profile is an estimate only and will not be a contractual obligation for funding.

All anticipated funding projections are subject to change at government discretion and depending on funds availability.

PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE (Topic C2, Advanced Electronic Materials, Devices, and Circuits, (2) Modeling Of Advanced Materials For Space Electronics):
The anticipated period of performance for individual awards resulting from this call is thirty three (33) months for technical effort and three (3) months for final report submission.

The technical proposal including the C-SOW shall be limited to five (5) pages single spaced, double-sided, 8. 5 by 11-inch pages.

Select an easy to read font no smaller than 12 pitch fixed or proportional font size 10 or larger.

Smaller type may be used in figures and tables as long as it is clearly legible.

The page limitation includes all information i.e., indices, photographs, foldouts (2 page), appendices, attachments, resumes, C-SOW, etc.

Each printed side counts as one page.

Blank pages, title pages, tables of content, lists, tabs or cover sheets are not included in the page count.

The Government will not consider pages in excess of this limitation.

The due date for proposals submitted in response to this CALL is no later than 1:00 p.m.

MDT on 30 April 200 9. Proposals for any other technology area identified in the baseline BAA will not be accepted at this time unless a CALL for proposals in that specific area is open.

Proposals received after the due dates and times shall be governed by the provisions of FAR 5 2. 215-1(c)(3).

Det 8 AFRL/RVKE, Attn:
Andrea Stone, 2251 Maxwell St SE, Bldg 424, Kirtland AFB NM 87117-577 3. Proposals sent to any inappropriate address are ineligible for award.

Proposals sent via facsimile or electronic means will not be accepted.

Submission for a grant must be made through

Proposals sent via mail, facsimile or other electronic means will not be accepted.

Offerors should monitor FedBizOps/EPS <> and/or <> for any additional notices to this CALL that may permit extensions to the proposal submission date or otherwise modify this announcement.

The Air Force anticipates awarding a CPFF or Grant as a result of this CALL but reserves the right to award the instrument best suited to the nature of research proposed.

A model contract will be provided to the apparent successful offeror for review and comment as part of the BAA solicitation and award process.

The Air Force anticipates awarding one contract or one grant.

However, the Air Force does reserve the right to make multiple awards or no awards pursuant to this CALL.

on or about 29 May 2009 INTENT TO PROPOSE:
Potential offerors are requested to advise the contracting point of contact (by e-mail) if they intend to submit a proposal in response to this CALL.

Such notification is merely a courtesy and is not a commitment by the offeror to submit a proposal.

This effort requires the development of analytical models for carbon nanotubes transistors based on state of the art empirically derived electrical parameters.

The transistor models will then be utilized to determine the ultimate electrical performance of a variety of electrical circuit applications such as analog RF oscillator and power amplifier from which transmitter power and performance can be extrapolated, digital elementary systems such as a memory cell from which ultimate processor performance can be extrapolated, and elementary components of mixed signal systems such as a converter element from which ADC performance can be extrapolated.

The deliverable is a report on the analytical performance of various electronic circuits utilizing carbon nanotube resistors.

1. Program security classification for this CALL is UNCLASSIFIED.

2. The Final Technical Report is assumed not to be under ITAR restrictions.

3. Government furnished property, equipment, or facilities needed, other than those identified in this CALL, should be specified in the proposal.

All requirements of BAA-VS-06-05 apply unless specifically amended and addressed in this CALL as addressed below.

In addition to ORCA, offerors shall use the Representations and Certifications (Current as of 14 Jan 08) provided with this CALL 001 7. For complete information regarding BAA-VS-06-05, refer to BAA-VS-06-05 Solicitation 01 dated 22 September 2006 and as update 29 May 2007 and 27 Dec 2007 on FedBizOps <> and/or <>.

It contains information applicable to all CALLS issued under the BAA and provides information on the overall program, proposal preparation and submission requirements, proposal review and evaluation criteria, award administration, agency contacts, etc.

Direct questions to the points of contact identified above.

If the requirements in BAA-VS-06-05 and requirements addressed in CALL 0017 below are not provided, the proposal will be categorized as non-responsive to this CALL.


The following solicitation provisions pertinent to this section are hereby incorporated in full text:

FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION SOLICITATION PROVISIONS IN FULL TEXT 5 2. 204-08 ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (JAN 2006) (a) (1) The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this acquisition is 54171 2. (2) The small business size standard is 1,000 employees for Space Vehicles & Guided Missiles or 500 employees for other research and development.

(3) The small business size standard for a concern which submits an offer in its own name, other than on a construction or service contract, but which proposes to furnish a product which it did not itself manufacture, is 500 employees.

(b) (1) If the clause at 5 2. 204-7, Central Contractor Registration, is included in this solicitation, paragraph (c) of this provision applies.

(2) If the clause at 5 2. 204-7 is not included in this solicitation, and the offeror is currently registered in CCR, and has completed the ORCA electronically, the offeror may choose to use paragraph (c) of this provision instead of completing the corresponding individual representations and certification in the solicitation.

The offeror shall indicate which option applies by checking one of the following boxes:
[ ] (i) Paragraph (c) applies.

[ ] (ii) Paragraph (c) does not apply and the offeror has completed the individual representations and certifications in the solicitation.

(c) The offeror has completed the annual representations and certifications electronically via the Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) website at

After reviewing the ORCA database information, the offeror verifies by submission of the offer that the representations and certifications currently posted electronically have been entered or updated within the last 12 months, are current, accurate, complete, and applicable to this solicitation (including the business size standard applicable to the NAICS code referenced for this solicitation), as of the date of this offer and are incorporated in this offer by reference (see FAR 4. 1201); except for the changes identified below [offeror to insert changes, identifying change by clause number, title, date].

These amended representation(s) and/or certification(s) are also incorporated in this offer and are current, accurate, and complete as of the date of this offer.

FAR/DFARS Clause No.

Title Date Change Any changes provided by the offeror are applicable to this solicitation only, and do not result in an update to the representations and certifications posted on ORCA.


DEFENSE FAR SUPP SOLICITATION PROVISIONS IN FULL TEXT 25 2. 227-7017 IDENTIFICATION AND ASSERTION OF USE, RELEASE, OR DISCLOSURE RESTRICTIONS (JUN 1995) (a) The terms used in this provision are defined in following clause or clauses contained in this solicitation-- (1) If a successful offeror will be required to deliver technical data, the Rights in Technical Data--Noncommercial Items clause, or, if this solicitation contemplates a contract under the Small Business Innovative Research Program, the Rights in Noncommercial Technical Data and Computer Software--Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Program clause.

(2) If a successful offeror will not be required to deliver technical data, the Rights in Noncommercial Computer Software and Noncommercial Computer Software Documentation clause, or, if this solicitation contemplates a contract under the Small Business Innovative Research Program, the Rights in Noncommercial Technical Data and Computer Software--Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Program clause.

(b) The identification and assertion requirements in this provision apply only to technical data, including computer software documentation, or computer software to be delivered with other than unlimited rights.

For contracts to be awarded under the Small Business Innovative Research Program, the notification and identification requirements do not apply to technical data or computer software that will be generated under the resulting contract.

Notification and identification is not required for restrictions based solely on copyright.

(c) Offers submitted in response to this solicitation shall identify, to the extent known at the time an offer is submitted to the Government, the technical data or computer software that the Offeror, its subcontractors or suppliers, or potential subcontractors or suppliers, assert should be furnished to the Government with restrictions on use, release, or disclosure.

(d) The Offeror's assertions, including the assertions of its subcontractors or suppliers or potential subcontractors or suppliers shall be submitted as an attachment to its offer in the following format, dated and signed by an official authorized to contractually obligate the Offeror:
Identification and Assertion of Restrictions on the Government's Use, Release, or Disclosure of Technical Data or Computer Software.

The Offeror asserts for itself, or the persons identified below, that the Government's rights to use, release, or disclose the following technical data or computer software should be restricted:
Technical Data or Computer Software Asserted Name of Person to be Furnished Basis for Rights Asserting With Restrictions* Assertion** Category*** Restrictions**** *For technical data (other than computer software documentation) pertaining to items, components, or processes developed at private expense, identify both the deliverable technical data and each such item, component, or process.

For computer software or computer software documentation identify the software or documentation.

**Generally, development at private expense, either exclusively or partially, is the only basis for asserting restrictions.

For technical data, other than computer software documentation, development refers to development of the item, component, or process to which the data pertain.

The Government's rights in computer software documentation generally may not be restricted.

For computer software, development refers to the software.

Indicate whether development was accomplished exclusively or partially at private expense.

If development was not accomplished at private expense, or for computer software documentation, enter the specific basis for asserting restrictions.

***Enter asserted rights category (e.g., government purpose license rights from a prior contract, rights in SBIR data generated under another contract, limited, restricted, or government purpose rights under this or a prior contract, or specially negotiated licenses).

****Corporation, individual, or other person, as appropriate.

*****Enter "none" when all data or software will be submitted without restrictions.

Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Printed Name and Title _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (End of identification and assertion) (e) An offeror's failure to submit, complete, or sign the notification and identification required by paragraph (d) of this provision with its offer may render the offer ineligible for award.

(f) If the Offeror is awarded a contract, the assertions identified in paragraph (d) of this provision shall be listed in an attachment to that contract.

Upon request by the Contracting Officer, the Offeror shall provide sufficient information to enable the Contracting Officer to evaluate any listed assertion.

25 2. 227-7028 TECHNICAL DATA OR COMPUTER SOFTWARE PREVIOUSLY DELIVERED TO THE GOVERNMENT (JAN 2006) The Offeror shall attach to its offer an identification of all documents or other media incorporating technical data or computer software it intends to deliver under this contract with other than unlimited rights that are identical or substantially similar to documents or other media that the Offeror has produced for, delivered to, or is obligated to deliver to the government under any contract or subcontract.

The attachment shall identify-- (a) The contract number under which the data or software were produced; (b) The contract number under which, and the name and address of the organization to whom, the data or software were most recently delivered or will be delivered; and (c) Any limitations on the Government's rights to use or disclose the data or software, including, when applicable, identification of the earliest date the limitations expire.

(End of Provision) C.

OTHER SOLICITATION PROVISIONS IN FULL TEXT K003 CERTIFICATE OF SIGNATORY AUTHORITY (AUG 2005) I, __________________________________ (Name), certify that I am the ____________________________________________ (Position Title) of the Corporation named as Contract
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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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