National Laser User's Facility (NLUF) Program

This FOA amendment revises the direction on where to attach Subaward Budget Forms:
Previous NLUF FOA Guidance:
Refer to Part VI.C.

8. c.i.

and ii.

(page 21), applicants were directed to attach their Subaward Budget forms to the R&R Subaward Attachment form which inadvertently

was not included in the application package template.

Revised NLUF FOA Guidance:
All applicants are to attach their Subaward Budget forms to the Research and Related Other Project Information form (Attachment C includes an example) which is downloaded from the application package template.

All Subaward Budget forms should be attached to Field 12 "Other Attachments" of the R&R Other Project Information form.

Each Subaward Budget should be labeled with a short name of awardee plus the budget year of the submitted Subaward Budget.

(For example, "LLNLBY01" would designate Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Budget Year 0 1. ) If any applicant is preparing their FOA NLUF application budget without any proposed subaward budget allocations, no Subaward Budget forms would need to be attached to the R&R Other Project Information form.

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Additional Information of Eligibility:
U.S.? based Company which is defined as: (1) a company that has majority ownership by individuals who are citizens of the United States, or (2) a company organized under the laws of a U. S. state that either has no parent company or has a parent company organized under the laws of a U. S. state.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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