NIST is soliciting applications from eligible applicants to provide undergraduate/graduate students and post-doctoral associates with fellowship opportunities and financial assistance to obtain laboratory experiences within the NIST Boulder Laboratory, which includes programs from the Physical Measurement
Laboratory, the Material Measurement Laboratory, and the Information Technology Laboratory.
The recipients will work with the NIST Boulder Laboratory to foster collaborative research relationships among NIST Boulder staff, undergraduate/graduate students and post-doctoral fellows and the studentsÂ’ academic institutions within the NIST Boulder Laboratory.
Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:2014-NIST-PREP-BOULDER-01 Full Announcement/FFO document
Additional Information of Eligibility:Eligible applicants are accredited institutions of higher education in the United States and its territories that offer undergraduate and graduate degrees in academic disciplines relevant to the technical programs of the NIST Boulder Laboratory.
For purposes of this FFO, these disciplines include (but may not be limited to) physics, chemistry, mathematics, materials science, mechanical/electrical/electronic engineering, and computer science/engineering.
Institutions must offer both 4-year undergraduate and graduate degree plans.
Full Opportunity Web Address: Christopher HuntonGrants Technical AssistantPhone 301-975-5718
Agency Email Description: Agency Contact
Agency Email:
Date Posted: 2013-11-13
Application Due Date: 2017-01-07
Archive Date: 2014-01-14