Competitive Highway Bridge Program

This Notice of Funding Opportunity is for the Competitive Highway Bridge Program (CHBP) the Grant Program is a discretionary grant program that provides funding towards highway bridge replacement or rehabilitation projects on public roads that demonstrate cost savings by bundling at multiple highway

bridge projects.

Eligible phases of work must include construction however an application may also include environmental clearance, preliminary engineering, and/or final design.

The purpose of the CHBP is to provide grants to States that have a population density of less than 115 individuals per square mile and less than 26 percent of total bridges classified as in good condition or greater than or equal to 5. 2 percent of total bridges classified in poor condition for highway bridge replacement or rehabilitation projects on public roads that demonstrate cost savings by bundling multiple highway bridge projects.

States meeting the population criteria and that have greater than 14 percent of total bridges classified as in poor condition are eligible to receive no less than $3 2. 5 million, pursuant to a determination that projects are eligible and sufficient to fund such amount.

This grant program is not associated with any previous grant programs, eligibility and award criteria, or application requirements including the FY 2018 CHBP.

The eligibility and award criteria and application requirements provided under this NOFO are unique to the FY 2024 CHBP.
Related Programs

Highway Planning and Construction

Department of Transportation

Agency: Department of Transportation

Office: DOT Federal Highway Administration

Estimated Funding: $22,750,000

Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories

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Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs Phase II

Additional Information of Eligibility:
Eligibility: State departments of transportation (State DOT) for Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

States eligible to receive no less than $32.5 million include Iowa, Maine, South Dakota, and West Virginia.An eligible State DOT may submit an application in partnership with a non-State DOT non-eligible applicant.

If such application is selected to receive an award, the State DOT must be the recipient of grant funds.

A State DOT may submit no more than three (3) applications including applications submitted in partnership with a non-State DOT.

If a State DOT submits multiple applications the State shall clearly identify their order of ranking in each application narrative and in the project title, i.e., State DOT rank #1 application and State DOT rank #2 application.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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