The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking Concept Notes on innovative solutions to support remedial instruction in grades three to five, thereby contributing to improve learning outcomes and expand access to quality basic education in Zambia.Subject to the availability
of funds, USAID may allocate up to $10 million over a period of performance of five years.
Priority will be placed on supporting the most promising approaches to the objectives described herein.
USAID reserves the right to fund any or none of the application(s) submitted.
All terms and conditions of the FY2021-2022 STIP APS apply.
Issuance of this notice of funding opportunity does not constitute an award commitment on the part of the United States Government nor does it commit the U. S. Government to pay for any costs incurred in preparation or submission of comments/suggestions or an application/Concept Note.
Applications are submitted at the risk of the applicant.
All preparation and submission costs are at the applicant’s expense.To be eligible for award, the applicant must provide all information as required in this NOFO and meet eligibility standards of this NOFO.
This funding opportunity is posted on, and may be amended.
Potential applicants should regularly check the website to ensure they have the latest information pertaining to this notice of funding opportunity.It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the entire NOFO has been received from the internet in its entirety and USAID bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion process.
If you have difficulty registering on or accessing the NOFO, please contact the Helpdesk at 1-800-518-4726 or via email at for technical assistance.Please send any questions by the due date to the point of contact identified in section VI of the notice.
Responses to questions received prior to the deadline will be furnished to all potential applicants through an amendment to this notice posted to
Thank you for your interest in USAID programs.