The activity's goal is to enhance civil society sustainability through improved financial viability, organizational capacity, and policy dialogue.
The activity goal will be achieved through the below objectives and expected results.Objective 1:
CSO financial viability improved ER 1. 1:
environment for civil society improvedER 1. 2:
Capacity of CSOs to fundraise and diversify funding and revenue sources enhancedER:
1. 3:
CSO financial management systems strengthened(Objective 1 Indicators:
CSO Sustainability Index Financial Viability score, CSO SI Legal Environment) Objective 2:
Organizational capacity of community-based organizations enhanced ER 2. 1:
Governance and management systems and practices of CSOs strengthenedER 2. 2:
CSO constituent linkages/engagement strengthenedER 2. 3:
CSO communication with all stakeholders improved(Objective 2 Indicators:
CSO SI Organizational Capacity and Public Image scores, CBLD-9)Objective 3:
CSO and Government dialogue on public policy enhanced ER 3. 1:
Formal mechanisms for advocacy and policy dialogue with stakeholders strengthened and institutionalizedER 3. 2:
Ability of CSOs to engage in unbiased and evidence-based (that transcend organizational interests and support broader policy needs/interests, evidence based) policy discourse improvedER 3. 3:
Ability of targeted Ministries to effectively draft legislation and conduct citizen policy discourse improved.(Objective 3 Indicators - CSO SI Advocacy score, Number of USG-assisted civil society organizations (CSOs) that participate in legislative proceedings and/or engage in advocacy with national legislature and its committees, Number of legal instruments drafted, proposed, or adopted with USG assistance at the national or sub-national level) Objective 4:
Locally-led Development Promoted ER 4. 1:
Civil Society Organizations capacity to lead the development process enhanced.ER 4. 2:
Civil Society Organizations performance improved (Objective 4 Indicators:
% of grants from the flexible grants pool based on local needs, CBLD-9, CBLD-10)