The purpose of the Local Partner ServiceDelivery Activities (LPSDA) for OVC services is to increase use of qualitycounty-led social services in selected counties in Kenya.
These will be servicedelivery activities providing key OVC and adolescents services at the countylevel that contribute to
the attainment of the Government of Kenya’s (GOK) goalof safeguarding the rights and welfare of children and adolescents impacted by HumanImmunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS).
Ultimatelythis will contribute to the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) insupporting the health and overall well-being of children and adolescents.
Theactivities will enhance the capacity of the national and local social servicessystems and structures to provide care and support for OVC and their familiesmore sustainably through systematic evidence–informed graduation and transitionof PEPFAR beneficiary households away from U. S. Foreign Assistance and supportthe Journey to Self-Reliance (J2SR).
USAID/KEA’s overall goal is to increaseuse of quality county-led health and social services.