The purpose of the USAID/Cote d’Ivoire’s “STOP DJEKOIDJO[1]” activity is to increase coverage and use of key life-saving malaria interventions in support of Cote d’Ivoire’s National Malaria Strategy.
This activity will programmatically complement other maternal
and child health (MCH) reproductive health/family planning (RH/FP) interventions to make a comprehensive package of primary health care.
This activity is a service delivery activity that seeks to achieve USAID/Cote d’Ivoire’s President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) objectives as well as those set forth in the (2020-2025) National Malaria Strategic Plan for the prevention and treatment of malaria by accomplishing the following results:
● Result 1:
Implementation of malaria prevention activities in support of the National Malaria Strategy improved.
● Result 2:
Malaria diagnosis and treatment activities in support of the National Malaria Strategy improved.
● Result 3:
The national health system’s capacity to deliver and manage quality malaria treatment and control interventions strengthened.
While its mandate will allow it to focus on service delivery, this activity will also include continuous distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets.
PMI’s practice of allocating the budget and planning interventions on an annual basis will require the Côte d’Ivoire STOP DJEKOIDJO activity to have the flexibility to respond to changing country needs and to adapt to the malaria funding environment in Cote d’Ivoire.
[1] STOP DJEKOIDJO means STOP MALARIA in Baoulé, one of the most widely spoken languages in Cote d'Ivoire.