The Ghana Youth Activity addendum seeks to support a local Ghanaian applicant with a defined youth-led and locally-led program to empower Ghanaian youth to advance their own social, economic, and civic development through improved employability, improved access to essential services, and strengthened
civic engagement.
USAID seeks to support an applicant whose proposed program reflects the Positive Youth Development (PYD) approach and who can independently identify and address new and impactful interventions.Under the YouthPower 2 (YP2) Annual Program Statement (APS), USAID/Ghana will fund a program based on youth demographic trends and results and lessons learned in previous USAID-funded activities, especially those from northern Ghana.
In addition, USAID encourages applicants to leverage work being supported by other donors and stakeholders, including the Government of Ghana.USAID/Ghana prioritizes learning and adaptive management and requests applicants to incorporate these approaches in their proposed programs.