USAID intends to make an award to the applicant who best meets the objectives of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) based on the merit review criteria and subject to a risk assessment.
Eligible parties interested in submitting an application must thoroughly read the NOFO to understand the
desired type of activity, application submission requirements, and selection process.The overall Modernizing Agriculture Activity (ModAg) Objective is to increase incomes and improve nutritional outcomes, by sustainably increasing agricultural productivity, and strengthening domestic consumption and markets for high-value and nutritious agricultural products.The USAID/Rwanda ModAg Activity will seek to address the following overarching problem:
Rwanda's agricultural sector is unable to realize its full potential to drive inclusive growth, food security, and nutrition because it lacks strong linkages to profitable markets and sufficient financing, and experiences inadequate use of production-enhancing technologies and inefficient farmer support services, and operates in a constrained enabling environment that disincentivizes private-sector investment and engagement.