USAID’s Livelihoods, Vulnerability, and Resilience Program (LVRP)

The purpose of the LVRP APS is to support USAID’s goal of improving livelihoods in conflict-affected areas of South Sudan with stressed and crisis levels of food insecurity.

The complexities surrounding conflict and displacement as causes of food insecurity and diminished livelihoods require

LVRP to utilize a conflict-sensitive and holistic approach to achieve program objectives.

This APS fills a critical gap in South Sudan between humanitarian programming and development programming, where the latter prior to 2014 largely focused on more productive sectors of the economy in the “Greenbelt” of the Equatoria states.
Related Programs

USAID Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas

Agency for International Development

Agency: Agency for International Development

Office: South Sudan (USAID)-Juba

Estimated Funding: $70,000,000

Who's Eligible

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