DOJs Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2012-2016 identifies as Goal II:
Prevent crime, protect the rights of American People, and enforce Federal law, and as Strategic Objective 2. 1:
combat the threat, incidence, and prevalence of violent crime, which coincides with OJPs Strategic Goal 1:
state, local, and tribal efforts to prevent and respond to violent crimes and acts of terrorism.
BJA will continue support training, technical assistance, and related services dedicated to equip state, local, and tribal law enforcement officers to support specialized multiagency terrorism detection, investigation, and interdiction.
The purpose of this solicitation is to select an organization(s) to continue providing these critical training and technical assistance services to law enforcement officers who face the challenges presented by the criminal extremist/terrorist threat.
This program is funded through the Department of Justice, Consolidated & Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 (Pub.
L No 113-6, 127 Stat.
198,25 3. ).
All training, technical assistance, and related services supported under this initiative must emphasize the protection of individual privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties throughout the intelligence process whereas all materials and trainings must be ethnically and culturally accurate, and delivered in a manner that helps law enforcement officers fully understand their constitutional responsibilities.