Notice of Intent to Award Only - The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc.
(ITCA) previously received grant funding from the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) to implement a the Tribal Collaboration on Arizona Water Resource Management Project (Project).
Through this project, ITCA provides
coordination and logistical support to the Tribal Leaders Water Policy Council on water resource management issues.
The Tribal Leaders Water Policy Council (TLWPC), which is comprised of elected Tribal leaders and their designated representatives, facilitates the collaboration of tribes with other water resource management agencies.
The Project’s primary objectives are to:
broaden tribal leader participation in water policy; collaborate with federal, tribal, state, and regional water resource management bodies; and to strengthen Tribal capacity through improved access to information and analysis on water management.
Additional project objectives are to:
(1) Coordinate an inter-tribal planning forum; (2) Conduct quarterly meetings around water policy issues; (3) Identified short and long-term impacts on tribes; and (4) Coordinate a tribal presence within groups working on federal, tribal, state, and regional water policies.