Evaluation and Coordination of Pacific Lamprey Activities in the Umatilla River Sub-basin

OVERVIEW Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) completed the “Assessment of U. S. Bureau of Reclamation Projects in the Columbia River Basin:
Effects on Pacific Lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus)”, hereinafter referred to as the “Assessment”, in 201 2. This document identified

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several areas of possible effects and recommended further actions in relation to projects within the Columbia Basin.

Pertinent to issues in the Umatilla River Sub-basin, Reclamation recognizes the interests and leadership demonstrated by the CTUIR as Pacific Lamprey evaluation and conservation in the Umatilla Basin is an integrated part of the CTUIR Fisheries program.

An inventory of Umatilla River Sub-basin facilities and potential effects are described in the Assessment, and further information has been developed through lamprey studies.

CTUIR has worked with Reclamation and others to develop plans to collaborate on addressing these recommendations with the best use of expertise, jurisdiction, and resources.

Under this Contract, CTUIR will continue investigating potential effects from Reclamation operations and/or facilities on Pacific lamprey populations in the Umatilla River Sub-basin, and identify and plan measures for fish passage remedies to address these impacts where appropriate.

Such remedies may include propagation efforts, juvenile migration and entrainment efforts, and adult fish passage projects.

Pacific lamprey are a resource of the greatest significance and importance to several Tribes in the Pacific Northwest, including the CTUIR.

The resource serves both as a traditional and ceremonial food source and as medicine for tribal members, as well as intrinsic value to the ecosystems that are vital to the CTUIR people.

The population of adult Pacific lamprey has declined sharply.

CTUIR has been actively working to restore Pacific lamprey populations to the Umatilla River basin through translocation, conservation, and addressing threats.

This contract will provide funding for the CTUIR Pacific lamprey program to investigate effects to this resource from Reclamation projects and therefor further the conservation for the benefit of the CTUIR people.

RECIPIENT INVOLVEMENT With this financial assistance, CTUIR will:
• Evaluate and monitor adult passage issues at Reclamation facilities in the Umatilla River basin.

• Evaluate juvenile entrainment issues by field surveys and PIT tag studies at Reclamation projects.

• Monitor lamprey in canals to determine need for salvage.

• Participate in multi-agency efforts to provide juvenile lamprey for studies of Reclamation projects and to assist lamprey recovery efforts through propagation and/or translocation.

• Administration, coordination, and reporting of activities under this agreement.

RECLAMATION INVOLVEMENT Substantial involvement on the part Reclamation is anticipated for the successful completion of the objectives to be funded by this award.

In particular, Reclamation will be responsible for the following:
1. Reclamation will conduct canal sampling and salvage and other entrainment studies in irrigation canals at Three-Mile Falls, Maxwell, and Feed Canal Diversion Dams, with CTUIR assistance, and provide CTUIR periodic informal updates following each sampling event.

2. Reclamation will coordinate with CTUIR to identify, prioritize, design, and implement future entrainment studies if determined necessary by canal sampling results and will participate in the experimental design of PIT tag studies.

3. Reclamation will coordinate with CTUIR to analyze ongoing results of monitoring efforts, and use the results to further define effects of Reclamation projects on Pacific lamprey.

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Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act

Department of the Interior

Agency: Bureau of Reclamation


Estimated Funding: $60,000

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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