The Ririe Project was authorized by the Flood Control Act of October 23, 1962 (76 Stat.
1193, Public Law 87- 874).
Ririe Reservoir was constructed to impound and control the waters of Willow Creek, a Snake River tributary in Eastern Idaho, for flood control, irrigation, and recreation.
fish and wildlife protection measures are also included.
Construction of the dam was completed in 197 7. Recreation area work was completed in June 197 9. Four recreation areas were developed to meet projected initial demands.
The area is managed for Reclamation by Bonneville County Parks and Recreation Department (Lease # 3-07-14-LA438).
The County has successfully completed several types of development activities under the cost-share grant program in the past.
Funds are needed to assist the partner with costs associated with the operation and maintenance of recreation sites around the reservoir.
The activities to be funded through this action include but are not limited to:
Road and parking lot upkeep; equipment maintenance; grounds keeping including mowing, sprinkler repair, etc.; toilet cleaning and supplies; trash services; signs; site monitoring; minor building repairs; willow removal; tree trimming and succession planting; coordination and assistance.