Tremendous strides have been made towards reducing cases, hospitalizations, deaths, and health-care costs associated with vaccine-preventable diseases.
However, continued efforts are necessary to assure high vaccination coverage rates, ensure communities are aware of and being vaccinated according
to the routinely-updated ACIP recommendations, and respond to periodic outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases.
This work is carried out by the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease (NCIRD), and the 64 state, territorial, and local immunization programs receiving funds under CDC-RFA-IP19-1901 with technical support from Immunization Services Division’s (ISD) Program Operations Branch (POB).
Each immunization program is led by an immunization program manager who plays a vital role in overseeing the management and operations of the program, including developing and ensuring the achievement of program goals.
POB recognizes the importance of providing support to program managers in effective execution of day-to-day activities, and circumstances that impact operations such as changes in vaccine policies or guidance, vaccine pricing, immunization information systems, and more.
Moreover, there is additional program-wide benefit in providing a platform for immunization program managers to learn from each other to address challenges, share successes, and improve immunization practices.
Based on work to support immunization program managers in previous cooperative agreements, this FOA (CDC-RFA-IP23-2304) specifically supports immunization program managers by:
1) providing leadership and development support, 2) supporting communication and information sharing among key partners and trusted messengers, 3) preparing immunization program managers for the future of immunization programs, 4) supporting immunization program managers to address emerging immunization issues, and 5) convening program managers and ensuring translation of resources to strengthen immunization programs.