National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Tuberculosis Prevention (NCHHSTP) Public Health Conference Support

The purpose of this conference support funding is toprovide partial support for specific non-Federal conferences in the areas ofhealth promotion, disease prevention information and education programs, andapplied research.

Conferences supported under this program announcement must bespecific


to one or more of the following focus areas:
HIV/AIDS, viralhepatitis, STD, TB, or adolescent health.

Further, measurable conferenceoutcomes must be in alignment with one or more of the relevant performancegoals or performance measures listed in the “Outcomes” sub-section thatfollows.

The National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis,STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP) maximizes public health and safety nationallyand internationally through elimination, prevention, and control of disease,disability, and early death caused by HIV/AIDS, non-HIV retroviruses, viralhepatitis, other STDs, and TB.

Its three overarching goals are to:
(1) decreaseincidence of infection with HIV, viral hepatitis, STDs, and TB; (2) decreasemorbidity and mortality from HIV, viral hepatitis, STDs, and TB; and (3)decrease health disparities across groups affected by HIV, viral hepatitis,STDs, and TB.

Timely dissemination of the newest information derived fromrecent scientific studies on these diseases and CDC recommendations isimperative, but often it is challenging to reach this goal.

Conferences play animportant role in addressing this gap.

Nongovernmental and governmentalorganizations often wish to hold conferences to provide up-to-date informationregarding the aforementioned diseases, but are prohibited by budgetary constraints.Limited resources for disseminating the latest health information and fosteringcommunity collaboration and partnerships impedes efforts to effectively reachand impact at-risk populations and persons serving them, thereby reducing theeffectiveness of prevention and treatment efforts.

In an effort to ease thisburden, the purpose of this program is to provide partial support for specificnon-Federal conferences focusing on topics that support CDC’s goals andrecommendations related to HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, STDs, TB, and/oradolescent and school health.
Related Programs

Public Health Conference Support

Department of Health and Human Services

Who's Eligible

Obtain Full Opportunity Text:
FY17 and FY18 Region 7 Wetland Program Development Grants

Additional Information of Eligibility:
Please see the announcement including Section III for additional eligibility information

Full Opportunity Web Address:

Mandy Whitsitt(913) 551-7311

Agency Email Description:
Mandy Whitsitt

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Date Posted:

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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