This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is intended for TCPI SAN 2. 0. Applicants that are selected as SAN 2. 0 cooperative agreement awardees will work to leverage primary and specialist care transformation work and learning in the field.
SAN 2. 0 awardees will add a valuable technical
assistance asset to TCPI that will catalyze the accelerated adoption of Alternative Payment Models (APMs), prior to 2019, at very large scale, and with very low cost.
By implementing accelerated practice transformation strategies, the SAN 2. 0 awardees will provide expertise needed to spread transformation knowledge to the entire TCPI community and support the 6 goals of TCPI.
SAN 2. 0 represents a significant enhancement to the TCPI network expertise and capability to align with delivery system reform programs recently authorized under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA).