Outreach and Enrollment Cooperative Agreements Focused on Increasing Health Care Enrollment of American Indian and Alaska Native Children.
Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:Medicare Access and CHIP Re-authorization Act
Additional Information of Eligibility:- Indian Health Service Providers - Tribes and Tribal organizations operating a health program under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act(ISDEAA)(PL 93-638 as amended).
- Urban Indian organizations receiving funding under the Indian Healthcare Improvement Act(IHCIA)(p.L.
94-437 as amended).
Full Opportunity Web Address:https://www.grantsolutions.gov/gs/preaward/previewPublicAnnouncement.do?id=58421Contact: Grants.gov Contact CenterPhone Number: 1-800-518-4726Hours of operation are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The contact center is closed on federal holidays.support@grants.gov
Agency Email Description: Grants.gov Customer Support
Agency Email: support@grants.gov
Date Posted: 2016-11-14
Application Due Date: 2017-01-17
Archive Date: 2017-02-16
Social Entrepreneurship
Melbourne social enterprise Who Gives A Crap sold nearly 3 million rolls of toilet paper in 2014/15 and gave half the proceeds to WaterAid Australia, but co-founder Simon Griffiths says the donation would have been less had the startup adopted a non-profit model when it launched two years ago.