The Public Affairs section of the U.S Embassy in Zagreb invites indigenous Croatian non-governmental, non-profit organizations to submit funding proposals for a nationwide public awareness and education program in Croatia on the subject of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in light of Croatia?s
candidacy for membership in this political and security alliance.
The goal of this program is to promote greater understanding of both the benefits and obligations of membership, which is critical for potential future NATO members such as Croatia.
Broad public education and balanced discussion are necessary to achieve this goal, and basic and accurate knowledge of NATO?s values, history, structure and activities are needed for informed discussion to occur.
Proposal components may include but are not limited to roundtables and seminars, public discussions and organized debates, speakers, media events and programs, printing and distribution of educational materials, web-based education and discussion, etc.
Costs may include those required for education or training of project implementer staff on the subject of NATO.
Requested funding for programs lasting one year may not exceed $200,00 0. Applicants are encouraged to seek co-funding from non-U. S. Government sources.
Strong preference will be given to partnership projects (coalition of two or preferably more Croatian NGOs).
Deadline for submissions of proposals is November 23, 200 7. Programs should commence in January, 200 8.