MAY 30, 2023, AT 5:00 PM ET Only Concept Papers are due at this time.
Second Step:
To be provided in response to the Requests for Applications sent to
applicants that submit Concept Papers considered to meet the needs of the DOE-EM.
The mission of the Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management (DOE-EM) is to complete the safe cleanup of the environmental legacy brought about from decades of nuclear weapons development and government-sponsored nuclear energy research.
The DOE-EM’s mission and priority areas are to:
1) Achieve Significant Construction Milestones 2) Execute Key Cleanup Projects 3) Reduce the EM Footprint 4) Award Contracts that Enable Accelerated Progress 5) Drive Innovation and Sustainability and Improve Performance The DOE-EM is focused on enhancing and fostering a sustainable and diverse DOE-EM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) workforce pipeline.
Through the technology Curriculum and Professional Development Program (CPDP) and the EM Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) Shared Interest Research Program (SIRP), DOE-EM will promote the development of a nationally engaged scientific and engineering workforce that will lead to future career pathways in the DOE-EM complex for underrepresented groups.
Specifically, CPDP and SIRP will create and foster a sustainable and diverse DOE-EM workforce STEM pipeline by accepting Concept Papers and Applications for grants addressing the following areas:
1) Curriculum enhancement through instrumentation/computing assistance - Cost, installation, and maintenance of specialized equipment and instrumentation.
- Curriculum exploration, development, and improvement leading to substantive and purposeful integration of theoretical and experimental learning activities of collegiate students.
2) Development of high-quality courses embedded in majors and minors aligned with the DOE-EM missions and/or the development of majors and minors aligned with the DOE-EM missions that are sustainable beyond the period of the funding.
3) Modification of existing courses and curricula to deepen and/or better integrate learning and teaching activities in STEM-related fields as related to the DOE mission through the engagement of the national laboratory’s community by:
- Embedding facilities and personnel in their courses and curricula.
- Use of state-of-the-art instrumentation available within the DOE-EM complex (national labs and user facilities) to further drive critical scientific and technological advances.
4) University Faculty Professional Development Training.
5) Travel to DOE Field Sites and National Laboratories - DOE Field Sites and National laboratory visits and tours will offer unprecedented training and educational opportunities to collegiate students and faculty members.
**See the full Funding Opportunity Announcement for additional information**