Modeling effects of CEC exposures on fish populations within the Great Lakes Basin

The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) seeks an ecological modeler (Ball State University) with experience developing and applying fish and wildlife population models in chemical risk assessments.

This project is funded under the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, and managed from the USFWS

Region 3 Office in Bloomington, MN.

The modelers will be partners in a team of scientists who, since 2010, have been investigating the potential for impacts in fish populations from exposures to contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) in Great Lakes tributaries.

Population modeling is one of several tools USFWS will utilize in a weight-of-evidence risk assessment of CEC impacts in Great Lakes aquatic systems.

There is not an application process for this funding opportunity; this is a notice of intent to award a single source cooperative agreement to Ball State University under justification 505DM 2. 1 4. B.

2 and 4 without competition.

Competition for the award is not practical as it is a the intended recipient is uniquely qualified to perform the project duties based on technical expertise in fish population modeling, specifically with sturgeon modeling in regards to environmental toxicity.

The intended recipient has already been briefed on project goals and objectives and has agreed they align with their own lab's goals and objectives making collaboration ideal and successful for project completion.

The intended recipient has also collaborated with other project members in the past and has good working relationships with the research team making them an excellent candidate and award recipient.

Substantial involvement on the part of the Service is anticipated for the successful completion of the activities to be funded.

In particular, the Service will be/expects to be responsible for the following:
USFWS will provide field and lab CEC effects data collected in previous years' studies for use in model development, USFWS will provide support for Post Doc, USFWS will provide expert and technical advice with model formation to aid in the creation and function of the fish population models, USFWS will have free exchange of data on all aspects of the project with Ball State University associated Post Doc Researcher, USFWS will be included and allowed to review all relevant publications which are a result of this project.

Related Programs

Great Lakes Restoration

Department of the Interior

Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service


Estimated Funding: $117,371

Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories

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There is not an application process for this funding opportunity.

This is a notice of intent to award a single source cooperative agreement to the Ball State University under justification 505DM 2.14.B.

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