Under FY17 appropriations to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI), the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service will provide grants to support implementation of Great Lakes State Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plans.
These State Plans have been transmitted by state governors and then approved
by the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force.
This is a notice of intent to award a single source grants to following entities without competition under justification 505DM 2. 1 4. B.
2 and 4:
Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, State of New York via Oswego County Soil and Water Conservation District, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, State of Pennsylvania via Pennsylvania State University, and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Competition for the award is not practical as these awards are continuations of activities presently being funded, and holding a competition would have a significant adverse effect on continuing the activity.
The applicants are also uniquely qualified to perform these projects given their management responsibilities for aquatic invasive species, land ownership in their respective states, and their development of ANS Task Force approved plans.