This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will use approximately $ 7. 5 million in Occupational Licensing Review and Portability cooperative agreements to maximize the potential for the broadest impact for workers seeking entry into, or already working in, licensed occupations, or seeking advancement
along career pathways of occupations requiring licensing in the U.S.
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:Not Available
Additional Information of Eligibility:Eligible entities as the project lead are entities that responded to NOI-ETA-16-14 by the closing date of July 18, 2016 and received this funding opportunity letter, FOA-ETA-16-14-A directly from the Department of Labor confirming eligibility to apply to this announcement.
Eligible entities must continue to satisfy the eligibility requirements in the NOI.
Eligible entities may partner with other organizations that were eligible to respond to the NOI.
However, the project lead will have overall fiscal and administrative responsibility for the project.
Sub-grants are not permissible, but contracts and other funding mechanisms may be permitted.
Full Opportunity Web Address:Contact: Serena BoydGrants Officer
Agency Email Description:
Agency Email:
Date Posted: 2016-11-28
Application Due Date: 2016-12-23
Archive Date: 2017-01-22