The primary purpose of this grant program is to accomplish the DVPI goals listed below:
== 1. Build Tribal, Urban Indian Organizations (UIO), and Federal capacity to provide coordinated community responses to American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) victims of domestic and sexual violence.
2. Increase access to domestic and sexual violence prevention, advocacy, crisis intervention, and behavioral health services for AI/AN victims and their families.
3. Promote trauma-informed services for AI/AN victims of domestic and sexual violence and their families.
4. == Offer health care provider and community education on domestic and sexual violence.
== 5. Respond to the health care needs of AI/AN victims of domestic and sexual violence.
== 6. Incorporate culturally appropriate practices and/or faith-based services for AI/AN victims of domestic and sexual violence.
============ To accomplish the DVPI goals, IHS invites applicants to address one of the Purpose Areas below:
== Purpose Area 1:
Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention, Advocacy, and Coordinated Community Responses == Purpose Area 2:
Provide Forensic Health Care Services ======== Evidence-Based Practices, Practice-Based Evidence, Promising Practices, and Local Efforts ======== IHS strongly emphasizes the use of data and evidence in policymaking and program development and implementation.
Applicants under each Purpose Area must identify one or more evidence-based practice, practice-based evidence, best or promising practice, and/or local effort they plan to implement in the Project Narrative section of their application.
The DVPI program website ( is one resource that applicants may use to find information to build on the foundation of prior domestic and sexual violence prevention and treatment efforts, in order to support the IHS, Tribes, Tribal organizations, and UIOs in developing and implementing Tribal and/or culturally appropriate domestic and sexual violence prevention and early intervention strategies.
======== Purpose Areas ======== Purpose Area 1:
Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention, Advocacy, and Coordinated Community Responses.
IHS is seeking applicants to address the following broad objectives:
== Expand crisis intervention, counseling, advocacy, behavioral health, and case management services to victims of domestic and sexual violence; Foster coalitions and networks to improve coordination and collaboration among victim service providers, health care providers, and other responders; Educate and train service providers on trauma, domestic violence, and sexual assault and its impact on victims; Promote community education for adults and youth on domestic and sexual violence; Improve organizational practices to improve services for individuals seeking services for domestic and sexual violence; Establish coordinated community response policies, protocols, and procedures to enhance domestic and sexual violence intervention and prevention; Integrate culturally appropriate practices and/or faith-based services to facilitate the social and emotional well-being of victims and their children; and Implement trauma informed care interventions to support victims and their children.
======== Purpose Area 2:
Forensic Health Care Services.
IHS is seeking applicants to address the following broad objectives:
Expand available medical forensic services to victims of domestic and sexual violence; Foster coalitions and networks to improve coordination and collaboration among forensic health care programs to ensure adequate services exist either on-site or by referral for victims of domestic and sexual violence 24/7 year round; Educate and train providers to conduct medical forensic examinations; Promote community education on available medical forensic services; Improve health system organizational practices to improve medical forensic services and care coordination among victim services; Establish local health system policies for sexual assault, domestic violence, and child maltreatment; Integrate culturally appropriate treatment services throughout the medical forensic examination process; and Implement trauma informed care interventions to support victims and their children.