Poison Center Support and Enhancement Grant Program

The purpose of the three-year grant program is to support poison centers efforts to 1) prevent and provide treatment recommendations for poisonings; 2) comply with operational requirements needed to sustain certification or 3) comply with operational requirements needed to achieve certification and 4)


conduct a non-scientific evaluation of the strategies and activities undertaken within the project application.
Related Programs

Poison Control Stabilization and Enhancement Grants

Department of Health and Human Services

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Additional Information of Eligibility:
This competition is limited to Poison Control Centers in Alabama and Puerto Rico that are not currently being funded by HRSA’s Poison Control Program.

Awards under this grant program are limited to U. S. accredited and unaccredited PCCs including those serving the U. S. territories.

Eligible applicants under the Support and Enhancement Grant Program must be accredited by a professional organization in the field of poison control that the Secretary has approved as having standards for accreditation that reasonably provide for the protection of the public health with respect to poisoning.

The only professional organization currently approved is the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC).

Eligible applicants can also be accredited by a State government with, at minimum, equivalent standards as the AAPCC.

Unaccredited centers are eligible for a grant waiver if such center can reasonably demonstrate that the center will obtain such accreditation within a reasonable period of time.

The sum of the number of years until accreditation for a waiver may not exceed 5 years.

Full Opportunity Web Address:


Agency Email Description:
Contact HRSA Call Center at 877-Go4-HRSA/877-464-4772;301-998-7373 or email

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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