Health Workforce Research Center (HWRC) Program

The purpose of the HWRC Cooperative Agreement Program is to increase the amount of high quality, impartial, policy-relevant research on the health workforce available to assist decision-makers at the federal, state and local levels to better understand health workforce needs and to help ensure access

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to high quality, efficient health care.

The HWRC Program will capitalize on the expertise of individual researchers in the field to provide a deeper understanding of critical health workforce issues while expanding the scope and capacity of BHPr.

Research HWRCs will conduct policy-oriented research, as defined by the collection, analysis, and reporting of data, on health workforce issues and synthesize the results into reports easily understood by a non-technical policy audience.

In addition, up to one Technical Assistance HWRC will provide technical assistance (TA) to local, regional, and state-based entities including state workforce planning departments, state legislatures, labor departments, or education departments with respect to health workforce data collection, analysis, and reporting.

Research HWRCs will develop and disseminate research products in consultation with BHPr and other decision-makers; Technical Assistance (TA) HWRCs will implement and manage TA initiatives and produce summary reports of these efforts in consultation with BHPr.
Related Programs

National Center for Health Workforce Analysis

Department of Health and Human Services

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Additional Information of Eligibility:
Eligible applicants for this funding opportunity include a state, a state workforce investment board, a public health or health profession school, an academic health center, or an appropriate public or private nonprofit entity.

Faith-based and community-b

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Agency Email Description:
Contact HRSA Call Center at 877-Go4-HRSA/877-464-4772 or email CallCenter@HRSA.GOV

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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