Black Lung Data and Resource Center

The purpose of the Black Lung Data and Resource Center (BLDRC) program is to improve health care in rural areas by supporting patient-level data collection and analysis, clinic operations, and the quality and breadth of services provided by recipients of Black Lung Clinics Program (BLCP) funding.



the purposes of this Notice of Funding Opportunity, BLCP award recipients are referred to as BLCP recipients.

Additional details about the program requirements and expectations for BLCP recipients can be found in HRSA-25-04 0. Our goal is to strengthen BLCP recipients’ ability to examine and treat respiratory diseases and pulmonary impairments in active and inactive U. S. coal miners.

To that end, the BLDRC provides programmatic assistance and resources to help BLCP recipients use data analysis to better understand the health status and needs of U. S. coal miners.

BLDRC support and data analysis contributes to advancing evidence-based models of health care for rural health care providers, including BLCP recipients and other health care providers serving rural populations.

The BLDRC will work with BLCP recipients and stakeholders to address long-standing challenges and barriers to medical, outreach, educational, and benefits counseling services for U. S. coal miners.

The BLDRC will also help collect and analyze information on the demographics and clinical status of coal miners with Coal Mine Dust Lung Diseases (CMDLD), or black lung diseases, especially Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis (CWP) and its most severe form, Progressive Massive Fibrosis (PMF).

The BLDRC supports BLCP recipients, including rural health providers, in discerning effective methods to address challenges, analyzing best practices, and informing lessons learned that translate across rural and non-rural health care settings.

These methods also expand and further enhance support for health care delivery in rural areas.
Related Programs

Coal Miners Respiratory Impairment Treatment Clinics and Services

Department of Health and Human Services

Obtain Full Opportunity Text:
Click on the following link to see the full text of the announcement for this funding opportunity.

Additional Information of Eligibility:
These types of domestic* organizations may apply: Public institutions of higher education Private institutions of higher education Nonprofits with or without a 501(c)(3) IRS status For-profit organizations, including small businesses State, county, city, township, and special district governments, including the District of Columbia, domestic territories, and the freely associated states Independent school districts Rural Emergency Hospitals Native American tribal governments Native American tribal organizations * Domestic means the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the U. S. Virgin Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau.

Individuals are not eligible applicants under this NOFO.

Full Opportunity Web Address:


Agency Email Description:
Contact Anna Feins at (301)287-0251 or email

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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