Broadly, the objective is to develop partnerships to improve access to, and use of, heritage resources, and promote their educational, scientific, cultural, and recreational values in a manner that meets U. S. Department of the Interior priorities and Cultural Heritage and Paleontology Program goals.
projects shall meet one or more of the following objectives.Conduct studies, including inventory, excavation, records research, and collections-based research to improve the understanding of America’s natural and cultural history;Monitor at-risk heritage resources to track trends in condition and project effectiveness;Stabilize at-risk heritage resources;Train future cultural resource management practitioners and paleontologists through research projects, field schools and internships that highlight BLM resources;Assist with cultural heritage data and records management activities such as organizing, maintaining, and scanning site and survey records; creating, digitizing and maintaining geospatial data; and performing data entry;Preserve existing collections at recognized curation facilities through such activities as archival housing, stabilization or conservation;Broaden public access to museum collections;Promote engagement with Native American communities and foster partnerships with tribal governments and programs;Promote public engagement, learning opportunities, and conservation/preservation ethics through heritage resources education and outreach programs, events, and products;Develop and maintain historic sites with interpretive and educational potential.Partner to support BLM’s Tribal consultation efforts