Shoreline Stabilization, NSA Annapolis, MD

The purpose of the Agreement is to design and obtain permitting for shoreline stabilization measures at Reach E, E1, G, and P, and to construct shoreline stabilization measures for approximately 115 linear feet of Reach E1 that will provide structural repair and erosion prevention measures at NSA AnnapolisCarr



Options for the construction of Reach E, G and Reach P may be exercised at the discretion of the Navy.

This will include a wetland verification/delineation on Greenbury Point.

The wetland delineation shall consist of a review and verification of mapped wetlands on Greenbury Point with awalk through to identify any changes in wetland characteristics.

The shoreline work shall include all necessary measures to meet the intent of the restoration and stabilization efforts to reduce erosion, and to restore riparian habitat.

These measures will include installing shoreline erosion control measures with native species plantings.

Specifically, the work shall enforce the structural stability along the indicated shoreline.

In addition, the Cooperator shall obtain the necessary Federal, local, and State permits to facilitate the implementation of log sill, rock sill, log toe and marsh creation options to provide for structural integrity of the specified shoreline at NSA Annapolis Carr Creek.

An EA was completed for the entire proposed 28,000 linear feet of stabilization in August of 2015 and a supplemental report the Carr Creek Shoreline Survey and Riparian Habitat Restoration Design Report was completed in 201 3. A wetland Jurisdictional Determination for Greenbury Point was last conducted in 201 3.
Agency: Department of Defense

Office: NAVFAC Washington DC

Estimated Funding: $10,100,000

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