IntroductionThe U. S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is accepting applications for the fiscal year (FY) 2025 FAA Aviation Maintenance Technical Workers Workforce Development Grant Program (hereinafter referred to as “the Program”) of which
20 percent of the total amount funded will be used to carry out the Willa Brown Aviation Education Program.
The purpose of the program is to expand the Aviation Maintenance Technical Workers workforce and support activities to facilitate the transition to careers in aviation maintenance throughout the United States and U. S. territories.BackgroundThrough the award of these grants, the USDOT and the FAA will assist in expanding the U. S. aviation maintenance technical workers workforce.
The Program aims to provide meaningful educational experiences to stimulate interest and encourage students throughout the nation to prepare to enter this career field.
The Program also supports activities to facilitate the transition of individuals to careers in aviation maintenance, including members of the armed forces.
By advancing equity across the federal government, we can create opportunities for the improvement of communities that have been historically underserved.
Consistent with federal policy and the Authorizing Legislation, the Program will further benefit the public by advancing equity.Program GoalsThe Program is to provide grants for the education and recruitment of aviation maintenance technical workers and the development of the aviation maintenance workforce.Per the Authorizing Legislation, the USDOT secretary may exercise discretion to ensure that the award recipients selected will allow participation from a diverse collection of applicants in rural, suburban, and urban areas.Eligible ProjectsProjects that fall into one or more of the below categories will be eligible for award.
An eligible project is a project to:a.
Create and deliver a program or curriculum that provides high school and secondary school students and students of institutions of higher education with meaningful aviation maintenance education to become an aviation mechanic or aviation maintenance technician, including purchasing and operating equipment associated with such curriculum;b.
Establish or improve registered apprenticeship, internship, or scholarship programs for individuals pursuing employment in the aviation maintenance industry;c.
Support the transition to aviation maintenance careers, including for members and veterans of the armed forces;d.
Support robust outreach about careers in the aviation maintenance industry, including outreach to populations that are underrepresented in the aviation industry; ore.
Otherwise enhance or expand the aviation maintenance technical workforce.