Any State or Territorial CMP that has been approved by NOAA pursuant to the Coastal Zone Management Act (16 U.S.C.
§ 1455) is eligible under this announcement if the requirements established at 15 C.F.R.
§ 92 3. 121 are met.
Specifically, applicants must have an approved
Assessment and Strategy for the 2016-2020 assessment period which includes at least one strategy for one or more of the priority enhancement areas identified in Section I.B of this federal funding opportunity (FFO).
In addition to strategies that were originally approved as part of a State or Territory's Assessment and Strategy, approved strategies also include strategies that were added or substantially modified and approved by NOAA's Office for Coastal Management prior to the closing date of the competition.
See 15 C.F.R.
§ 92 3. 121 for all requirements.The designated lead agency for implementing each approved CMP is eligible to submit projects for funding under this competition.
For the purposes of this competition, the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission is an eligible applicant.
Eligible applicants may submit a proposal on behalf of State agency partners within the approved State CMP network, if applicable.
Local governments and nonprofits may participate as partners on the proposed projects; however, projects should be focused upon enhancing the approved State CMP.
Each applicant may submit no more than two applications for consideration under this competition.