Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers

Through this Task Agreement, the partners will create, fill, administer, and support the placement of internships and fellowships [generally, ⿿Fellowships/Fellows⿝] to work with NPS staff and partners.

The focus will be ⿿on-the-ground⿝

credit: Flickr

conservation and public outreach for implementation of River Management Plans undertaken in coordination with local River Management Councils and their partner organizations.

Projects and activities will be directly related to the protection and enhancement of identified ⿿outstandingly remarkable⿝ natural, cultural and recreational Wild and Scenic River values, and the public⿿s appreciation and education related thereto.

The participants will receive high-quality exposure to the kinds of professional work performed by NPS to benefit local rivers and local communities, and will include efforts to engage young people in projects that support natural resource conservation, stewardship, and outdoor recreation.

Fellowships will be 11-month positions; Rigorous Internships that conform to the specific requirements of an approved Rigorous Internship Program as outlined by NPS and the Office of the Secretaryâ¿¿s Personnel Bulletin No.

12-15 will be 11-weeks long.
Related Programs

Natural Resource Stewardship

Department of the Interior

Agency: National Park Service


Estimated Funding: $80,000

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Additional Information of Eligibility:
Notice of intent to partner with Conservation Legacy under existing cooperative agreement P13AC01381.

No applications will be accepted.

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The Social Innovators of 2014

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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