The State Flexibility to Stabilize the Market Cycle II Grant Program will provide a funding source to enhance and support the role of States in the implementation and planning for several of the Federal market reforms and consumer protections under Part A of Title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act
(PHS Act).
The State Flexibility to Stabilize the Market Cycle II Grant Program will provide States with the opportunity to ensure their laws, regulations, and procedures are in line with the Federal requirements, and enhance the States’ ability to effectively regulate their respective health insurance markets through innovative measures that support the pre-selected market reforms and consumer protections under Part A of Title XXVII of the PHS Act.
The State Flexibility to Stabilize the Market Cycle II Grant Program (hereafter referred to as “State Flexibility Cycle II Grants” or “State Flexibility Cycle II Grant Program”) will provide a funding source to enhance or support the role of States in implementing and planning for several of the Federal market reforms and consumer protections.