Dear Interested Parties,The United States Agency for International Development’s Mission in Rwanda (USAID/Rwanda) posts thisRequest for Information (RFI) to collect information to strengthen the anticipated Market Systems forLivestock Activity (MSLA) design.This RFI is issued solely for information-gathering
and planning purposes.
This is not a Request forProposal (RFP) or a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and is not to be construed as a commitment bythe United States Government (USG) to issue any solicitation or Notice of Funding Opportunity, award acontract or assistance agreement based on this RFI, or pay for any information voluntarily submitted as aresult of this request.
Responses to this RFI must not be portrayed as proposals and will not be acceptedby the USG to form a binding agreement.
It should be noted that responding to or providing comment onthis RFI will not give any advantage to any organization in any subsequent procurement(s) if suchprocurement(s) is released.
USAID will not provide answers to anything submitted in response to thisrequest.
USAID posts its competitive business opportunities on or
Itis the potential offeror’s/applicant’s responsibility to monitor these sites for announcements of newopportunities.
Responses to this RFI may be used by USAID without restriction or limitation.Responses to this RFI must be addressed, and submitted by email, to the Acquisition and AssistanceSpecialist, Mr. Eriazel Bagabo at
Please include RFI-696-25-000001 in the subjectline.
Responders will not receive individualized feedback.
All inquiries concerning this RFI must be directedonly to the email addresses identified above.
Hard copy submissions will not be accepted nor will phoneinquiries be entertained.Thank you for your interest in pursuing business opportunities with USAID Rwanda, and we look forwardto your comments.