Background USAID/KEA is considering support for a local organization herein also referred to as the ‘successful applicant’ that will strengthen Local Development Organizations (LDOs) established under the 2019 Kaunti Kuimarisha Uendelevu Annual Program Statement (APS).
All parties
interested in responding to this RFI are requested to read the APS solicitation document number 72061519APS00003 posted on to gain additional context regarding LDO vision and mission.
A link to the solicitation is pasted here: 9. Once here, please click on the tab labelled “Related Documents” to view the full solicitation documents.
It is expected that the said successful applicant will also support the co-creation of additional LDOs in the APS target counties where they are yet to be established.
USAID expects that the successful applicant will be a locally established, locally managed, and locally led organization that is legally constituted and has vast experience building the capacity of grassroot organizations.
The successful applicant should have the capacity and capability to receive and effectively manage USAID funds and to negotiate, execute, manage, and oversee sub-grants to the LDOs.
In 2019, USAID KEA issued the Kaunti Kuimarisha Uendelevu Annual Program Statement (APS), that sought to form LDOs to enable county based local organizations to be better organized to influence county development and contribute towards improved lives of communities.
USAID defines an LDO as an umbrella organization that has a legal standing and represents local organizations including civil society and the private sector at the county level.
USAID views the formation of these umbrella local organizations as a strategic pivot away from the traditional programs towards enabling and structuring local civil society and private sector organizations to assert their collective voice in favor of transparency, accountability, and performance.
As of April 2021, activities that will result in the formation of LDOs have been implemented in fourteen (14) out of the twenty (25) target counties and it is anticipated that the 14 LDOs will be registered and operational by September 202 1. USAID intends to work with the successful applicant to strengthen the capacity of the 14 organizations and to support and facilitate the establishment of the remaining 1 1.