Mine Drainage Technology Initiative (MDTI) Cooperative Agreement Program

Mine Drainage Technology Initiative (MDTI) study provides a forum for collaboration and information exchange with the following goals:
Mine Drainage Technology Initiative (MDTI) (formally known as the Acid Mine Drainage Initiative ) studies provide a forum for collaboration and information exchange


with the following goals:
(1) Develop an understanding of mine drainage (MD) so as to better predict, avoid, monitor, and remediate mine drainage; (2) Develop innovative solutions to MD water-quality problems; (3) Identify, evaluate, and develop “best science” practices to predict MD prior to mining; and (4) Identify successful remediation practices for existing sources of MD and describe the best technology for MD prevention.

OSMRE is looking for MDTI studies that address the specific goals listed above that have the potential for improving the effectiveness of both the coal industry and the regulatory authority to conducts surface coal mining and reclamation activities and regulate coal mining activities, respectively, by gaining a better understanding of mine drainage effects on the environment.

Agency: Office of Surface Mining


Estimated Funding: $200,000

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Risk Managment Education and Outreach Partnerships Program

Additional Information of Eligibility:
The United States Department of the Interior, The National Park Service (NPS), The National Park Service Cultural Resource programs is announcing a notice of intent to award a cooperative agreement; this is not a request for applications.

This funding opportunity is to provide public notice of NPS's intention to fund the following project activities without full and open competition, under Cooperative Agreement P14AC00882 (The Southern Appalachian Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit) with The University of Tennessee, a partner under the Southern Appalachian Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, for a project titled; Vital Signs Water Quality Monitoring in Great Smoky Mountains and Appalachian Highland Network Streams.

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The Social Innovators of 2014

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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