The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2012 PPHF-2012-Cooperative Agreements for Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Electronic Health Record (EHR) Integration and Interoperability Expansion
The purpose of this program is to:
1) improve real-time access to PDMP data by integrating PDMPs into existing technologies like EHRs, in order to improve the ability of State PDMPs to reduce the nature, scope, and extent of prescription drug abuse; and 2) strengthen State PDMPs that are currently operational by providing resources to make the changes necessary to increase interoperability of State PDMPs.
Grant funds will enable States to integrate their PDMPs into EHR and other health information technology systems to expand utilization of PDMP data by increasing the production and distribution of unsolicited reports and alerts to prescribers and dispensers of prescription data.
Grant funds will also be used by States to allow for modification of their systems to expand interoperability.
This grant program will be complemented by an evaluation program conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
A Federal Expanded Interoperability and EHR Integration program is expected to produce immediate and measurable outcomes in the number of States that are able to share information.
In addition, resources to States to enable their PDMPs to link electronically to Emergency Department EHRs, outpatient facility EHRs, and retail pharmacy chain dispensing systems hold the possibility to expand utilization dramatically.
CDC will systematically evaluate how both measures have affected prescription drug abuse and utilization of PDMPs.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Injury Centers prescription drug overdose team will develop metrics that are consistent across the States to ensure a robust and systematic evaluation and identify appropriate data sources to support the evaluation.