This program makes funding available for the National Clean Plant Network (NCPN or ‘the Network’) for Fiscal Year 2017 as provided under the Agricultural Act of 2014, commonly referred to as the Farm Bill of 2014, specifically Section 1000 7. The National Clean Plant Network provides asexually
propagated plant material free of targeted plant pathogens and pests to protect the environment and ensure the global competitiveness of U. S. specialty crop producers.
Program priorities include:
1) establishing and supporting governance and related administrative activities; 2) promoting the introduction, diagnosis, treatment, establishment (in foundation blocks) and release of clean plant materials, both from foreign and domestic sources, for commercial development; 3) conducting methods development to accurately advance and test therapies, as well as establish guidelines and standards for certification maintenance; 4) developing partnerships with extension and outreach services (e.g.
university and state departments of agriculture) to interact with commercial nurseries, industry associations and producers; and 5) developing and implementing best practices and quality control protocols.
Funding will be provided to Land-Grant Universities, Non Land-Grant Colleges of Agriculture, State Agricultural Experiment Stations, State Governments, and Federal Agencies to support Network priorities noted above.
Funding priority will be given to applications that focus on specialty crops (for the definition, see Section 3 of the Specialty Crops Competitiveness Act of 2004; 7 U.S.C.
1621 note; Public Law 108-465) with clear work plans for developing and maintaining a comprehensive, cohesive and efficient network.