Under this Grant Opportunity, the FRA encourages interested State departments of transportation to submit applications for grants to fund capital improvements and planning activities necessary to support improved or new intercity passenger rail service.
The Capital Assistance to States - Intercity
Passenger Rail Service Program will be supported with $30,000,000 of Federal funds provided to FRA as part of the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2008 (Division K of Pub.
110-161 (December 26, 2007)).
Funds provided under this program may constitute no more than 50 percent of the total cost of a selected project, with the remaining cost funded from other sources.
FRA anticipates awarding grants to multiple eligible participants.
Eligible projects include capital improvements (fixed facilities and rolling stock) necessary to support improved or new intercity passenger rail services, and planning activities that lead directly to the development of a passenger rail corridor investment plan.
FRA anticipates that no further public notice will be made with respect to selecting grantees under this program.